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Author Topic: Pirate's Treasure & Enchanted Forest  (Read 9381 times)

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Pirate's Treasure & Enchanted Forest
« on: August 18, 2009, 01:00:57 am »
I must say i thank all of you who helped creating SFML and who used it and helped make it a better library. I have succesufully used SFML in two quite similar projects: two arkanoid style games. What follows is a copy-paste from another post i made on gamedev.net(well, i am lazy programmer :) ).

I graduated this year with a Bsc in Computer Science and my graduation coincided with the completion of two casual games i worked on with a few friends.(i was responsible for all the programming). The games are two arkanoid clones with two different themes. They run well on Windows and also Macintosh(ppc or intel). For the development i used C++, a little ObjC, OpenGL, SFML, OpenAL, OpenALSoft(yes this was necessary because OpenAL crashed on Mac OS X sometimes, at that time), ogg and vorbis. You can find more information about the games at http://www.magic-games.net.

The development took a little too long because this was the first time we did something like this and we had a lazy artist, but i guess we met the deadline of me graduating and also completing not one but two games(rather similar :D ). I know there has been a long discussion about game clones and originality but i hope you enjoy the games. You can download them from the above mentioned site(and also PlayFirst.com) but if you do consider on purchasing one of them please support us and do it from http://www.magic-games.net (we use paypal and 2checkout so it's completely safe).

Enjoy and feel free to share any thoughts/suggestions/commentaries you might have.

PS: it seems some images contain artefacts due to the VSync off, these are not present in the actual game.(well they are not visible), also note that the first and last image have their description switched, i am sorry.
