At the moment, the website has the documentation for each different version that are contained within their own folder. As new versions become released, any linking to the documentation automatically becomes linked to what is then and old version.
Would it be possible to include a way to link to specific articles in the documentation while being able to specify a more generic version?
For example, to the (currently) latest version of the documentation for sf::RenderWindow.
As soon as 2.3.3 - or, indeed, 2.4 - is released, this link would be out of date.
Since patch updates - and also minor updates - shouldn't be changing the documentation in a "breaking" way, it would be convenient to be able to link to these articles using a form of "wild-card" version.
A suggestion would be able to specify wild card at minor or patch level like so: would link to sf::RenderWindow in the latest version of 2.3 would link to sf::RenderWindow in the latest version of SFML 2.
The website already has the feature to some extent for its documentation's "main page" where, if you leave off the version, it'll choose the latest. Adding the suggested ability above to the articles directly would help increase permanence of documentation links.
I found that, as I was linking to the documentation a lot, I have started to drop using the patch level version from the links thus: replacing all links every time a new patch version is released just to make sure you're on the latest version feels like overkill and these are "pretty much" the same. Pretty much, as much as linking to the wrong patch version would be, anyway.
Suggestion summary:
documentation/2.3.2/article2.3.2 article
documentation/2.3.x/articlelatest 2.3 article (currently 2.3.2)
documentation/2.x/articlelatest 2 article (currently 2.3.2)