110 Factor colorDestinationFactor,
113 Factor alphaDestinationFactor,
const BlendMode BlendMin
Take minimum between source and dest.
const BlendMode BlendAlpha
Blend source and dest according to dest alpha.
const BlendMode BlendAdd
Add source to dest.
const BlendMode BlendMax
Take maximum between source and dest.
const BlendMode BlendNone
Overwrite dest with source.
const BlendMode BlendMultiply
Multiply source and dest.
bool operator==(const BlendMode &left, const BlendMode &right)
Overload of the operator==
Factor colorSrcFactor
Source blending factor for the color channels.
Default constructor.
Equation alphaEquation
Blending equation for the alpha channel.
BlendMode(Factor colorSourceFactor, Factor colorDestinationFactor, Equation colorBlendEquation, Factor alphaSourceFactor, Factor alphaDestinationFactor, Equation alphaBlendEquation)
Construct the blend mode given the factors and equation.
BlendMode(Factor sourceFactor, Factor destinationFactor, Equation blendEquation=Equation::Add)
Construct the blend mode given the factors and equation.
Enumeration of the blending equations.
@ Subtract
Pixel = Src * SrcFactor - Dst * DstFactor.
@ Max
Pixel = max(Dst, Src)
@ Min
Pixel = min(Dst, Src)
@ ReverseSubtract
Pixel = Dst * DstFactor - Src * SrcFactor.
@ Add
Pixel = Src * SrcFactor + Dst * DstFactor.
Factor alphaSrcFactor
Source blending factor for the alpha channel.
Factor alphaDstFactor
Destination blending factor for the alpha channel.
Factor colorDstFactor
Destination blending factor for the color channels.
Equation colorEquation
Blending equation for the color channels.
bool operator!=(const BlendMode &left, const BlendMode &right)
Overload of the operator!=
Enumeration of the blending factors.
@ OneMinusSrcColor
(1, 1, 1, 1) - (src.r, src.g, src.b, src.a)
@ OneMinusDstColor
(1, 1, 1, 1) - (dst.r, dst.g, dst.b, dst.a)
@ SrcColor
(src.r, src.g, src.b, src.a)
@ OneMinusDstAlpha
(1, 1, 1, 1) - (dst.a, dst.a, dst.a, dst.a)
@ OneMinusSrcAlpha
(1, 1, 1, 1) - (src.a, src.a, src.a, src.a)
@ SrcAlpha
(src.a, src.a, src.a, src.a)
@ DstAlpha
(dst.a, dst.a, dst.a, dst.a)
@ DstColor
(dst.r, dst.g, dst.b, dst.a)