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Topics - victorlevasseur

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You may have heard that Flatpak has been released. It's a tool that allows to build standalone apps on Linux (compatible with all the distributions that support it). For more information : http://flatpak.org/

The problem is that no runtimes (if you don't know what a "runtime" is in flatpak, please read the website) provides udev and none will ever do because udev is not ABI-compatible with each Linux distributions (see the discussions I had with the devs here : https://github.com/flatpak/flatpak/issues/12#issuecomment-230249440).

So, it's currently not possible to build SFML for flatpak as udev is not provided. That's why it would be great if SFML provides a build option to disable the udev dependency. The only problem is joysticks support as it is the only feature that requires udev in SFML. But it seems that it's not mandatory (SDL can work without udev if needed) except for the joystick hot plug.

General / Shared library dependency on Android with SFML Activity
« on: April 15, 2016, 02:15:38 pm »

My native SFML android app is composed of two shared libraries. The first one is linked to the second one in the Android.mk and the compilation is successful. However, when I launch the app, it crashes and it tells that Android can't find /data/app/com.xxxx.xxx/lib/arm/libMyFirstLib.so. It seems that the errors happens when the the second lib (set in "sfml.app.lib_name" in AndroidManifest.xml) is loaded with dlopen (here : https://github.com/SFML/SFML/blob/master/src/SFML/Main/SFMLActivity.cpp#L113).

So, the question is : do I need to customize the SFML activity (and create my own native activity) to dlopen libMyFirstLib.so manually before loading the second library ?


SFML projects / YAPG - Yet Another Platformer Game
« on: February 11, 2016, 12:23:35 pm »
Hi all,

I would like to introduce to you a project I'm been working on for one month: YAPG, Yet Another Platformer Game (temporary name)


It's a platformer game that aims to be the most moddable possible: it will be possible to create your own objects/blocks and levels easily. A level editor will be included to allow an easier level creation. On the contrary, the objects/blocks will have to be written by hand.

The game is coded in C++ et uses SFML to manage the window and the display, Entityx (ECS engine), Boost.FileSystem and Sol (a C++ lua binding).

The game is free and under the GPLv2 license and is available on my Github: https://github.com/victorlevasseur/YAPG.

An early alpha version is available here for Windows only: https://github.com/victorlevasseur/YAPG/releases/.
Otherwise, you can build it yourself using the instructions here: https://github.com/victorlevasseur/YAPG/wiki/Build-YAPG

For now, the game loads the level named level.lua and only has some objects coded in lua.

Technical side
To allow the user to create custom objects/blocks, the objects are declared using lua scripts. For instance, the "player" object is described by this file :

(click to show/hide)

The use of lua allows the "entity templates" to describe complex structures and declare callback functions to give a custom behavior to the object. It's pretty easy to change the components' attributes from Lua using the get/set_string/number/bool_attribute methods. In the previous example, when the player jumps, the "Platformer" system calls the onStartJump function that changes the animation of the player to "jump".

On the C++ side, components declare their attributes (to allow them to be loaded from Lua, get or set from Lua callback functions). For example, to declare the structure of an Animation (and Frame), the following code is executed during the game init:

(click to show/hide)

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