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Help => Graphics => Topic started by: Kebab85 on December 21, 2019, 04:23:02 pm

Title: mapPixelToCoords
Post by: Kebab85 on December 21, 2019, 04:23:02 pm

I'm pretty new at this and having a hard time trouble shoot this my self and i can't find the information i need on the board.

For some reason the mapPixelToCoords function doesn't seem to exist for me, i use version 2.5.1-1.
I'm not sure where i could be wrong but i try to use this from a window.  obj just as shown in your tutorial.

g++ output: ”class sf::Window” doesn't have a member with the name ”mapPixelToCoords”
(Sry bad translated from my native language)

Do i forget to declare something? Missing something when compiling? Version problems?

Sry if i explain things bad, i'm not schooled for programming and don't know all terms and bad english.

Best regards
Title: Re: mapPixelToCoords
Post by: eXpl0it3r on December 21, 2019, 04:57:51 pm
It's part of RenderTarget and as such part of RenderWindow and RenderTexture, but not part of sf::Window. :)
Title: Re: mapPixelToCoords
Post by: Kebab85 on December 21, 2019, 05:36:23 pm
Tyvm :D

Not sure i understand the answer but ill dig some more with that in mind :)

I assume this inheritance is what you describe to me.

To me the tutorial looked like i should create a RenderWindow named window then access it.
But i need to somehow access this function earlier in the chain.

sf::RenderWindow::mapPixelToCoords seems to show the function, would it be correct to just use it like this?

If so, any idea why i fail to understand that tutorial?
I don't see anything there that explains that.

Again tyvm for the help.
Title: Re: mapPixelToCoords
Post by: Hapax on December 27, 2019, 11:21:28 pm
If you not doing any rendering, you aren't using any view co-ordinates so there are none to convert to and from pixel positions. If you are using sf::Window, you refer to positions in the window by their pixels. One common usage for mapPixelToCoords is for mouse position. If you are using just sf::Window, the mouse position is in pixels and you can use that position directly.