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Messages - Erebus

Pages: [1]
SFML projects / Re: Thor 2.0 cmake build error OS X 10.7
« on: April 18, 2012, 03:10:55 am »
The file you need (I think at least) is FindSFML.cmake and its located in the SFML source dir under cmake/Modules.

General / Re: Getting rid of the console on windows with mingw
« on: April 16, 2012, 04:19:14 am »
Try putting this as the main function:

Code: [Select]
#ifdef _WIN32
#include "windows.h"
int main(int argc, char **argv)

General / Re: Pre-compiled Mac libraries?
« on: April 14, 2012, 07:56:24 pm »
I got missing header files when I had BUILD_DOC checked, removed the check and it worked, forgot about that one.

Thats the line I add to add texus, I didn't have it handy when posting before.

General / Re: Pre-compiled Mac libraries?
« on: April 14, 2012, 04:49:05 pm »
I have compiled and used SFML with the latest Xcode on mac, I havent tried using another IDE however but it shouldn't be a problem sense I do have the dynlib files for SFML on my computer (after compiling it).

I used cmake, just ran cmake to create unix make files (not xcode), then ran the commands "make" and "sudo make install" from the folder where they where created by cmake in the console.

Oh I hade to add a line to the CMAKE_CXX_FLAG or it would crash any program that tried to create a empty sf:string, I dont have the exact line right now.

General discussions / Re: Mac OS X Lion SFML 2.0 Texture problem
« on: April 01, 2012, 12:38:00 pm »
Well actually there where no problem with the template app itself, it was the texture thing.
I updated to the latest from git and it works right away.

General discussions / Mac OS X Lion SFML 2.0 Texture problem
« on: April 01, 2012, 02:42:35 am »
I decided to try out SFML 2.0, and after compiling it from git using cmake and make I could create a project using xcode.
However when running the "template" app (no change to the code) I get an error saying "Failed to create texture, invalid size (0x0)" and it closes. I have tried different file formats, .bmp, .tga, .png, .jpg

I also tried to comment out the hole Texture and Spirit part and it doesn't close right away, however the font isn't rendered correctly, it only shows boxes in different sizes instead of letters.

I have searched but not found anything about this, only found error with regards to paths and thats not a problem, it finds the file.

Pages: [1]