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Messages - greeniekin

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SFML projects / SFMLTheora 1.3 - Play videos in SFML
« on: October 04, 2011, 02:04:37 am »
I managed to get it all working. I have tested libtheoraplayer player in opengl. I still have not tested it with sfmltheora. Though it should work.

here you can download the binaries for your mingw compiled libtheoraplayer  dll.
It has libogg/libtheora/libvorbis statically linked into the dll.


Nope SFMLTheora doesn't seem to work.

I get errors like
..\SFMLTheora\lib\libSFMLTheora.a(Video.cpp.obj):Video.cpp|| undefined reference to `_imp___ZN2sf6SpriteC2Ev'|
for video.cpp and audio interface

This is likely to do with the fact i statically link with SFML. Anyway have any suggestions?
Someone is likely to say it's the linking order. Though I link to SFMLTheora after all SFML libs.

SFML projects / SFMLTheora 1.3 - Play videos in SFML
« on: October 01, 2011, 02:30:11 pm »
Yah i downloaded msys
Though i think because I have spaces in my path for mingw it's causing the generated make script to stop(seems to put extra line breaks for every space)
I either have to make a symbolic link with no spaces or make another installation.
Nothing is ever simple lol.

Once again thank you for all your help. hopefully I can spare some time in the next week as I would love my current(and future) project to become my full time occupation(we all have dreams).

SFML projects / SFMLTheora 1.3 - Play videos in SFML
« on: September 30, 2011, 12:42:47 pm »
I managed to fix codelite project. I just copied the project file to the top directory and in codelite made my own workspace and added it to it.
Though now i need to compile it's dependencies(libogg,libvorbis,libtheora). Which do not use codelite or cmake ><. If I ever manage to get this working I'll make sure to put some binaries on this page. If I don't it means I have gone insane and run off into the woods to live. Likely screaming.

SFML projects / SFMLTheora 1.3 - Play videos in SFML
« on: September 29, 2011, 07:45:26 am »
It seems to work now. I had left my computer on for a month straight and some strange things were happening i reset recently. So maybe it is related to that.

Also a quick question about libtheoraplayer. I found binaries for msvc_9 though I couldn't see any available with mingw. Have you ever compiled it with MingW. It seems they use codelite. Though when i try load the work space with codelite an error occurs with the project and it is removed for the workspace. Leaving nothing in the workspace to compile.

Not your problem obviously. I just wondered if you might know anyway.

SFML projects / SFMLTheora 1.3 - Play videos in SFML
« on: September 28, 2011, 03:44:26 pm »
I have successfully compiled it with mingw.

I did try using cmake to generate a codeblocks version. Though cmake had errors and couldn't generate the codeblocks version. So i selected mingw make instead. There must be a missing piece of information needed by cmake.

cmake generate fine from SFML2 for codeblocks.

SFML projects / SFMLTheora 1.3 - Play videos in SFML
« on: September 27, 2011, 11:07:58 am »
Quote from: "zorexx"
It is a static library and does not need to link with libtheoraplayer during compile.

You only need to link with libtheoraplayer in your project, which means you have to link with both SFMLTheora and libtheoraplayer when you compile your project.

Yes but to compile it as a static library it needs the headers for libtheoraplayer. I ended up just copying from the include directory into your include just to compile.
Though it was a bit weird i think i need to use libtheoraplayer trunk rather than rc2 as it doesn't seem to have been structured like this
in rc2 it is

Anyway still have to test it. but i have something to static link to now.

SFML projects / SFMLTheora 1.3 - Play videos in SFML
« on: September 27, 2011, 08:04:43 am »
I tried to use cmake to build for mingw. Though in the cmake gui i was expecting it to ask for the location of libtheoraplayer, but it didn't. So what are the steps to compile this?

SFML wiki / sfeMovie project [v1.0 RC1 available]
« on: September 27, 2011, 06:47:18 am »
Quote from: "Ceylo"
With the latest FFmpeg source I get the same "no decoder found" message as you, and I can't work on it now, thus I think you've no other choice than using SFMLTheora.

Thanks a lot for your help. I don't actually need to play big buck bunny specifically. I just wanted an example to try. Though I do expect other people to make videos in one of my projects. I could say they have to use a particular format theora and vorbis to avoid licensing. Though it might be an issue if it has trouble with decoding legitimate movies.

The behavior about getting an image twice when fast and skipping when slow is exactly what I want. To ensure the person see's the movie at the speed it should display. The idea(in one project) is to be able to have a tv in an opengl 3d world.

Also. I removed some code in my loop where i tried to use the image and it no longer crashes and I hear the music playing in the background.

Though i converted a different video using
and the console output is still.
Code: [Select]
Movie_video::DecodeFrontFrame() - an error occured while decoding the video fram

SFML wiki / sfeMovie project [v1.0 RC1 available]
« on: September 26, 2011, 05:37:09 pm »
Quote from: "Ceylo"
1. Make sure the video format is really Theora and the audio format is really Vorbis.
2. You can indeed try to build it but if the point is an unsupported video/audio codec, building with the same configuration (ie. enabling only flac, theora and ogg) should produce the same results. You can give it a try with more decoders though.
3. It would be nice if I could get a piece of your video to test it.
4. If you only need Theora and Vorbis support you can have a look at SFMLTheora.

The video is freely available from http://www.bigbuckbunny.org/index.php/download/
I downloaded the lowest resolution OGG format.
I checked in vlc it's codec details and it is theora and vorbis(as the site says).

I will check out SFMLTheora and see if it is a replacement. One feature i want is to get the current frame and set it to an opengl texture.

Thank you for your fast reply.

SFML wiki / sfeMovie project [v1.0 RC1 available]
« on: September 26, 2011, 07:39:34 am »
I am thinking of adding video to a current project I'm working on.

I downloaded the windows binary version, to test it. In my example I used big buck bunny OGG Theora Video, Vorbis stereo sound version.

It is the example code you provided on the wiki.

What I get back in console output is
[avi @ 00932850]max_analyze_duration reached
Movie_video::Initialize() - could not find any video decoder for this video form
Movie_audio::Initialize() - could not find any audio decoder for this audio form

I then removed  movie.ResizeToFrame(0, 0, 640, 480); for some reason
then i swear i heard sound for a second then the app crashed. every time after this the app crashed even when i changed it back and compiled.

now i get this in console whenever it crashes


[theora @ 00983aa0]7 bits left in packet 82
    Last message repeated 1 times
[theora @ 00983aa0]Warning, unsupported keyframe coding type?!
    Last message repeated 1 times
[theora @ 00983aa0]Header packet passed to frame decoder, skipping
Movie_video::DecodeFrontFrame() - an error occured while decoding the video fram

I will try compile the library from scratch when I get some time and see if I have some better luck. Though if anyone has any insight that would be very helpful.

SFML projects / Instrument rhythm game
« on: September 22, 2011, 07:08:23 am »
I was wondering if anyone here has access to midi devices that can be hooked up to their computer? and if they would be willing to test it with my app. I'm also very interested in either of the midi guitars for rockband(if anyone has them).

The reason being is that midi messages vary slightly between products. Also rockband pro mode features muted notes, which I would really like to know what kind of message it sends to indicate that.

Also currently you must play a note within a current note. Not a millisecond before or after. Which makes it difficult sometimes. I need to play with some ideas how i can change this.

Also any other comments/suggestions would be appreciated.

SFML projects / Instrument rhythm game
« on: September 16, 2011, 02:30:10 pm »
Quote from: "Haikarainen"
That looks really awesome, man you suck at your own game :D

Why thank you. I feel so much better about showing my game lol.
Though I still say that is not bad for a few attempts. It's not my best, but still far from my worst.

SFML projects / Instrument rhythm game
« on: September 16, 2011, 10:59:32 am »
It is a rhythm game for real instruments. So far I've only got a visualization for a guitar though i plan to have many different types for at least keyboard and drums.

I am using SFML 1.6
At the moment I don't use SFML for much apart from input,loading images and an openGL context. Though I am thinking of having the option for audio to go with a track. A wave file or something similar. Which SFML audio should be perfect for.I do not know about playing at different tempos. Even if speed can be changed then the pitch of notes will as-well.

At the moment +/- keys can increase tempo while playing. That can not really be kept unless There is a 3rd mode separate of training mode. Have no idea what that would be called.

There is no scoring system apart from a little % sign saying the percentage of notes hit out of the entire song.

some Videos

SFML projects / Falling Rocks! (demo inside)
« on: September 10, 2011, 04:54:36 am »
Quote from: "Naufr4g0"

I'm aware about the fps issue. As you can see in your own link, it's not so difficult to implement an engine that adapts to any type of refresh.
The only thing I don't like of this solution is that GetFrametime() method doesn't return the same value for each frame when I switch on "sync vert refresh". So sprite movement appears less smooth! :(

I would have thought the animation would be more consistent.

Anyway if you are going to have it based off frames rather than time. Cap the frames to an appropriate speed so the experience is consistent for everyone. You can do this just by timing the time it takes to do calculations and draw and then either enter a loop until the timer is greater than 1/60th of a second or sleep for remaining time after doing everything. Not sure which method is better.

Or possibly have
float speed;


SFML projects / Falling Rocks! (demo inside)
« on: September 09, 2011, 04:07:40 pm »
Quote from: "Naufr4g0"

Try to select  Vert Sync. = OFF in the Options screen, it should fix the speed issue. :)
This option sets FPS to 60.
Have you set a value for screen vert refresh over 60?

I actually was using it on a pc at uni.

I tried again at home and with vert sync on and off. It worked perfectly.

Though what I was referring to it will not matter what the frame rate is.
It is discussed here.

You may have already implemented as I have no issue at home, and a uni computer could have been compromised some how. Though you should know with a glance at that page.

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