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Topics - gravgun

Pages: [1]
Hello everyone,
when I try to apply antialias on a sf::ContextSettings and pass it to sf::RenderWindow, it doesn't work; i just get a default OpenGL 1.x/2.x context.
I don't think it is the expected behavior, how do I get to enable antialias then?

The culprit is src/SFML/Window/Linux/GlxContext.cpp, where an test is being done; introduced by Laurent when he fixed bug #258:
// Create the OpenGL context -- first try context versions >= 3.0 if it is requested (they require special code)
if (m_settings.majorVersion >= 3)
and the initialization code passes everything to glXCreateContextAttribsARB, but this test restricts all of this to OpenGL 3+.
And what does OpenGL 1.x/2.x get? Nothing. Basically I removed this test (and && (m_settings.majorVersion >= 3) too), and the whole thing worked: initialization for OpenGL 1.x/2.x is done the same way as 3+...

Could this get fixed please?

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