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Messages - Canadadry

Pages: 1 ... 3 4 [5]
Graphics / sort program
« on: October 03, 2010, 11:05:45 pm »
Your code is a bite distubing for me. Could you show what you get and what you wanna got (or suppose to)?

Graphics / Sprite hit area, how to?
« on: October 03, 2010, 11:01:34 pm »
The sprite wil overlap but not the the picture in it ? And you wanna not which one is it ?

System / Problem with handling events.
« on: October 03, 2010, 10:59:09 pm »
You need a bool too store whether to mouse has been clicked or not. Then, when the  sfvEventMouseButtonPressed is raised ( or buttonRelease whatever) start then clock and the music.

In each loop turn you will check if your bool is true and if the timer is correct (<3s)  if not stop the music. Reset the timer and set the bool to false.

General / Input problem
« on: October 03, 2010, 10:53:59 pm »
I feel that your hitKey function will not work the way you want.

General / SFML and FFMpeg Tutorial English Translation
« on: October 03, 2010, 10:51:43 pm »
Could you use the balise mark [code] for your code, this is better for reading it.

Graphics / Sprite hit area, how to?
« on: October 02, 2010, 08:05:33 pm »
First of all, you check if the two rectanlge are hitting each other. Then  you check the color of each pixel (of both sprite). There is colission, if you could found one pixel no transparent on both sprite (at the same position).  Am i clear ?

If i remember correctly there a code in the french wiki.

General / Disabling language extensions in MSVC causes errors in 1.6
« on: October 01, 2010, 12:00:58 am »
Did you have some other include ? Could you switch them?

General discussions / Issues installing SFML on Mac OS
« on: September 30, 2010, 11:58:43 pm »
Could you show us a screenshot of your xcode projet, see if it found the framework. I'm looking for something like that :http://www.sfml-dev.org/forum-fr/viewtopic.php?p=29515#29515

Feature requests / SetCursor in sf::Window
« on: September 30, 2010, 06:58:07 pm »
Quote from: "Mindiell"
As Hiura said it on the french forum, can you give us more than just a "no" ?

I already gave. Like i said, this kind of feature doesn't take place is this king of library. To use it we will need more gui object like textfiel, combobox... This is not a question of need, for me it's a question of integrity and design pattern.

Let's me give you an ohter example. If someone came here and ask for xml support because it's really usefull and used in many game. I would said the same thing which is : i don't think there is a place for this kind of feature in SFML. I would said the same thing for script like lua. I don't said there is no need but this is not the purpose af SFML. And all of that involve just me. Maybe Laurent won't have the same opinion.

And for SetCursor(sf::Drawable), did it just for now because it's simple avec wait for laurent's answer.

You've maid your point, we've maid our so I think we have enougth take about that, just wait for laurent'sanswer.

Feature requests / SetCursor in sf::Window
« on: September 30, 2010, 01:28:03 pm »
Quote from: "NoIdea"
I don't exactly understand what you mean by "crappy cursors".
I'm proposing to add 2 functions to sf::Window :



which means you can either use your cursor or use the system cursor (which is more user friendly for most applications).

There is no need for the first one (SetCursor(sf::Sprite); ). we could already done that. And for the second one, in my opinion, there is no place for such feature in a multimedia library.

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