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Messages - herc

Pages: [1]
General discussions / [SOLVED] SFML 1.2 RC
« on: December 28, 2007, 01:43:53 pm »
i am currently on a very slow modem connection, so i ask directly, before looking at svn:

does the new rc include the new image loaders, that are independent from external image libs like libjpeg or libpng ?

General discussions / mixing SDL and SFML ? is it possible?
« on: November 07, 2007, 02:19:14 pm »
is it easily possible to use SDL and SFML simultaneously?

i currently have my project build around SDL. so i am very deeply intertwined with sdl yet.

is it possible to gradually use parts of SFML, for example the network stuff, while also have sdl in the project? i think i can switch some parts rather quickly from sdl to sfml, but i think the event system would be too much work for now. so i would like to have windowing and keyboard/joy/mouse events using sdl, and audio+networking using sfml. possible?

General discussions / Less formats vs less dependencies ?
« on: November 07, 2007, 02:12:56 pm »
did you know that you can get similiar, and sometimes better compression if you use tga files and compress them using b2zip library?

i store all my textures in tga and put them in a bz2 compressed archive.

bzip2 is completely ansi-c and can be easily compiled and statically linked. i even managed to throw all bzip2 c files into one singe c-file, so i only need to add that single c-file to my project.

about openAL. you can make a static linkable version of that one, too. you will loose native hardware acceleration, though. but if you are fine with openAL generic software and hardware modes, you can just link it statically (with some minor modifications to the source code)

about less image formats: strong vote for NO EXTERNAL DEPENDENCIES!!! if possible.

and memory loading is an absolute must have! i load all stuff from a compressed archive, and do not want to be forced to first write stuff to harddisk to be able to load it. everything in SFML should be also loadable from a memory location. very important!!

i have looked into the stb_image.c  source - it allows loading from memory. but it has an ugly c interface. so combining stb_image with SFML sounds like the perfect idea!! cant wait to see a new SFML released!

p.s. really nice project. i love the simplicity of the network stuff. its so nice that i now finally think i will try out to add networking to my little game.

Pages: [1]