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Messages - LakySimi1

Pages: [1] 2
Graphics / Tile-based graphic using Sprites.. right?
« on: May 06, 2024, 07:13:07 pm »
Hi everyone,
assuming that i want to make a 2D tile-based game, such as Avadon or Fallout 1/2, in which roofs can disappear to let look inside buildings (like Fallout 1/2), or in which different tiles get darkened depending if they are visible or not to player (like Avadon) (for example), is it right to use Sprites for substantially everyting?

for(each tile to show)
    Sprite.setTextureRect(sf::IntRect(x,y,z,k));    //Get tile
    Sprite.setPosition(sf::Vector2f(i.f,j.f));      //Draw coordinates
    Sprite.setColor(sf::Color(255, 255, 255));      //Light
    window.draw(Sprite);                            //Render

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(click to show/hide)

I made a gross mistake.. Hapax was right

General / Re: Pass int/char array to sf::Uint8 array?
« on: April 21, 2024, 03:53:11 pm »
Thank you, i confirm, reducing sizes make it work..

i was trying to make faster the process of writing in pixels accessing it only 1 time, but it seems to not help, even if i do

for (int i = 0; i < 1280 * 720 * 4; i++)
    pixels[i] = 42;

I don't have an increase in performance(/fps)

General / Re: Pass int/char array to sf::Uint8 array?
« on: April 21, 2024, 01:46:20 pm »
Good, thanks!

My code does not work due to the following:

char* pixels = new char [1280 * 720 * 4];
char Array [1280 * 720 * 4];

for (int i = 0; i < 1280 * 720 * 4; i++)
    Array[i] = 42;

for (int i = 0; i < 1280 * 720 * 4; i++)
    pixels[i] = Array[i]; // <- does not work, if i change "Array[i]" with a number, such as "42", it does work.

General / Pass int/char array to sf::Uint8 array?
« on: April 19, 2024, 11:52:48 pm »
Hi everyone,
there is a way to pass an int or maybe better, a char array to sf::Uint8* pixels = new sf::Uint8[WIDTH * HEIGHT * 4] ?

Honestly, i'm ignorant, i want to build the array of pixels in a classic int array, which is faster to manipulate, and then show it on screen.

Right now instead i am manipulating pixels.

I also want to make some raytracing experiment but, since the infinitely less complex raycasting is so slow on a 4GHz machine, and it may really means that the pixel-per-pixel approach is wrong, i give it up.. sadly.
I'll share a screenshot of my raycasting engine here:
(click to show/hide)

Multithreading may be an aid, but not a solution i think, since og Doom run flawlessy on a 100MHz 486.. how the heck does it achieve that? Surely it is also GPU based but still, i think it has a lot to do with single pixel drawing.. right?
I kinda know that i have to use the parallel computing o f the GPU.. but how? The only tutorial i find online seems to have the same approach of mine: fill and array and send it to graphic memory.

Compute shaders are totally new to me.. got to search!

A quick calculation shows 1280 x 720 x 250fps means each pixel has only 4ns to be rendered.
Considering a single cpu cycle on a 4GHz cpu is 0.25ns, there's not much head room.

This calculation really makes sense to me, 17.4 cycles per pixel, this perspective help to understand.

Therefore, is a bad news, since i really like to draw pixel-per-pixel, maybe it is even foundamental for a raycasting engine.. any suggestion to achieve the single-pixel draw flexibility?

Is it possible that you tested the rate of slightly different code? For example, without the "game logic" section.

The reason I ask is that if you don't have those braces (curly brackets) after the poll event loop, the very next line of code would be only executed whenever there is an event and, if the "game logic section" is not there, the next line would be the heavy-duty pixel-manipulating for loop.
This would mean that those pixel updates only got updated whenever there was an event but not when there weren't any so it would run faster without that for loop.

Adding the braces/brackets after the poll event would then make the pixel-updating for loop run on every single main loop and could be the cause of such a significant delay.

It is as you say! ..mine was such a silly question, i was surely distracted!.. thank you very much!

Well, that means that, fill an HDready resolution screen is reaaaally slow :( 250ish fps for substantially nothing! This was the main thing that made me doubt that my method was wrong..

Maybe a dedicated thread could be better as i said but.. do you think that my approach of fill a pixels array one by one pixel is right for a raycaster engine (such as The Elder Scrolls: Arena) ?

Code fully working (SFML 2.5.1):
(click to show/hide)

How are you measuring FPS?

I am using MSI Afterburner

Hi everyone,
as for the title, anything, even empty brackets, kills framerate, from 1450ish to 250ish.. why this happen?

Moreover, maybe a dedicated topic could be better but, do you think that, for a pixel-per-pixel rendering, the code below is the right approach for a video game? Like a raycaster, or 2D rpg, or 2D platform..
I've already done a quite pretty raycaster time ago, with sprites and sliding doors, with the very approach in the code below, but i've stopped coding it because i was not sure if the approach was right.

Thank you very much!

PS There is a better way to put code in post, with the proper colorig of keywords etc.?

(click to show/hide)

540fps is neither slow in an absolute nor relative sense, that's 1.85ms per frame!
There's no display that can even show you that many frames per second. :D

Don't forget that FPS is non-linear. So the framerate will drop a faster rate than the frametime.

Using texture.update is the fastest way SFML can update pixel data. I don't know if OpenGL offers any other methods, but again, at 540fps you're not having any performance issue and shouldn't try to find faster ways.
The results you get aren't even representative and can be influenced by any kind of background work.

If you want fast pixel manipulation, then that's what fragment shaders were created for. Your math and manipulation is directly executed on the GPU in a vectorized manner. ;)

I may agree with you, is a lot more fps than needed for pretty much everything, but comparing to  sf::RectangleShape, which, perform a lot better makes me doubt about the "general correctness" of the method presented in the code provided for what i want to achieve (pixel per pixel "hand painting", for something like a raycaster wolfenstein-like engine for example, so 60 complete windows update per second).. but, if you assure me that the code method is foundamentally right i will use it.
Unfortunately i don't know about fragment shader (or any shader)..

Thank you both for your reply! :)

Hi everyone,
the code provided goes at 540fps on 960x540 with an i5-10400; is not slow in an absolute way but considering what i am doing.. it is, and, most triggering to me is that therefore it is too unoptimized.
Drawing a genering monochrome rectangle with same dimensions goes up to 2500ish fps.

I compromise on go slower because i'm using CPU rather than GPU but it seems a bit too bad to me.

I want to draw the game screen pixel per pixel, i find it funny to come up with al graphic tweaks and have the power to intervent arbitrarily on any pixel i want: there is a way to do what i do in my code but more correctly/optimixed? There are other ways to do what i want to do?

Thak you very much in advance!

#include <SFML/Graphics.hpp>

using namespace std;

const int H = 1080/2; //Window height
const int W = 1920/2; //Window width

sf::Uint8* pixels = new sf::Uint8[W * 800 * 4]; //Array for the pixels (R,G,B,Alpha)

//Fill pixel array with values (all 100 for simplicity's sake)
void CreateImage(int nCol, int row_0, int row_1)
    for (int ir = row_0; ir < row_1; ir++)
        for (int ic = 0; ic < W; ic++)
            pixels[(ir * W + ic) * 4] = 100;        //red
            pixels[(ir * W + ic) * 4 + 1] = 100;    //green
            pixels[(ir * W + ic) * 4 + 2] = 100;    //blue

int main()
    sf::RenderWindow window(sf::VideoMode(W, H), "SFML works!"); //Create window
    window.setFramerateLimit(0); //No limit to framerate

    //Stuff used to generate final screen image (found online)
    sf::Texture texture;    texture.create(W, H);   sf::Sprite sprite(texture);

    for (int ir = 0; ir < W * H * 4; ir++) //Set Alpha=255
        pixels[ir] = 255;

    for (int ix = 0; ix < W; ix++) //Generate any image
        CreateImage(ix, 0, 720);

    while (window.isOpen())
        //Again, stuff used to draw image on screen (found online)
        //Why this part is so slow??
        //Is possible to speed up things mantaining the "pixel array"?
        //(i like have the single pixle draw control)
    return 0;

Graphics / Re: Any way to optimize 'pixelsArray to GPU' process?
« on: September 21, 2022, 11:45:46 pm »
Probably your overload is faster if only part of the screen/image needs to be updated but, let's say a sidescrolling scenario, like having a larger than screen resolution image, it will not speed anything up because its needed to update all the texture so it's not different from my method, am i right??

Thw fact is that if i use the sfml function to draw a 640x480 pixels rectangle it is fast as light, but if i pass a fixed pixelsArray to texture etc (method in OP) it slow down like 95%!

I just need a fast (the fastest possible) way to display a pixelsArray, pixelsArray that i could modify during execution.

Thanks for the overload btw, surely will experiment with it!

Graphics / Any way to optimize 'pixelsArray to GPU' process?
« on: September 21, 2022, 10:22:56 pm »
Hi everyone,
for my small projects i'm using a  "sf::Uint8* pixelsArray = new sf::Uint8[640 * 480 * 4];" that gives me the possibility to manipulate every pixel as i want but feels kinda slow..

Here's a pseudocode of what i'm currently doing. is there any way to speed things up?
I've the feel that the last 3 rows are slowing everthing because i have to pass my 'pixelsArray' to GPU (right?) every "new updated frame".

Is there a way to modify my 'pixelsArray' somehow directly in the GPU (to avoid the continuous texture update)?

Code: [Select]
sf::RenderWindow window(sf::VideoMode(640, 480));
sf::Texture texture;
texture.create(640, 480);
sf::Sprite sprite(texture);

sf::Uint8* pixelsArray = new sf::Uint8[640 * 480 * 4];

pixelsArray [x + y*640 * i] = 0-256;
so on..


Suppose i have a large pixelsArray [4096x4096] but want to draw (fast) just a rectangular portion of it?
(like as map scrolling as seen in Age of Empires or Commandos [supposed paused for semplicity])

PS I'm sure i got something wrong but i'm not really into technicals of SFML/OGL.. just need something to draw.

Graphics / Re: Is my pixel-by-pixel drawing method right enough?
« on: April 20, 2022, 10:41:30 am »
Another approach is to use graphical objects rather than updating a texture every frame.

For example, you can simply draw a vertex for each pixel you want to colour. All of them if you wish. To do this, you could use a vector of vertices - one for each pixel - and either draw them all each frame, or draw them all to a render texture and then draw that as a sprite/quad; this reduces the number of vertices needed to draw if they don't constantly change.

Another example is to to cover the window with a tile-like object that you can colour each tile individually. If those tiles are pixel sized, you have your pixel control. If they are larger, than the "resolution" appears lower. e.g. if the tiles are 2x2, the "resolution" could seem slightly pixelated but if they are 16x16, they definitely will.

If you decide to try out the latter suggest I gave, you could also try out Selba Ward's Pixel Display, designed to simplify this sort of thing. It's technically designed for lower resolution/colour-paletted display emulation but it's up to you whether or not it's a good approach for actual pixel-by-pixel manipulation.

But what do you think about my method? Is it enough right? Is somehow wrong and sloppy or inefficient (slow)?

I'm intersted in both of your methods, do they speed up a little the rendering confronted to mine?
If you can please provide a simple code to test them it would be great!

Uh you've made your own function library, nice!

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