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Author Topic: iCE³ - clone of Minecraft  (Read 60676 times)

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iCE³ - clone of Minecraft
« Reply #30 on: August 20, 2011, 04:40:41 pm »
I've released a new binary version (svn0027) which mostly contains bug fixes. Terrain generation has been tweaked a little to provide more interesting results, and lighting has been temporarily disabled because of serious performances issues : somehow, if the terrain gets too complex (nothing fancy though), the lighting system fails miserably and the world takes ages to generate completely.
Lighting will come back when I find a better algorithm.

Edit : now providing linux 32bit binaries. Although I'm much less used to distributing linux programs, it should work out of the box provided that you have the following packages installed :
  • libfreetype6 (libfreetype.so.6)
  • zlib1g (libz.so.1)
  • libgl1-mesa-glx (libGL.so.1)
  • libglu1-mesa (libGLU.so.1)
  • libglew1.5 (libGLEW.so.1.5)
Please tell me if the program requires a shared object that is not covered by this list. All other dependencies are linked as static libraries, except some very common ones like libc, libX11, ...


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iCE³ - clone of Minecraft
« Reply #31 on: August 21, 2011, 01:09:52 pm »
Thanks! It's a very nice work!

I've just tested it on Linux Mint Debian, the linux package worked out-of-the-box. However, on quitting it has frozen. Also, it seemed to me that no new chunks were loaded, that is I only had a certain area to play inside.



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iCE³ - clone of Minecraft
« Reply #32 on: August 21, 2011, 09:47:38 pm »
Hi, and thank you for your feedback !

Freezing on exit never happened to me on release mode. The only reason I can think of would be a deadlock issue between the different threads (LoaderThread (loading/saving), UpdaterThread, and main thread). When you shutdown the program, the main thread sends a "shutdown" signal to the two others, then waits for them to end :
  • the UpdaterThread ends updating its current chunk and returns
  • the LoaderThread ends loading its current chunk region, then saves all the regions of the scene, to eventually return
The two other threads only communicate with the main thread, not between themselves, so I don't really know how a deadlock could happen...
Is it a systematic issue, or is it just random ?

About chunks not loading, that's weird. Can you reach the "edge" of the world without new chunks to appear ?
More precisely, can you tell me what are the numbers shown on the bottom right corner of the screen, after ~10sec ?


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iCE³ - clone of Minecraft
« Reply #33 on: August 22, 2011, 12:13:10 am »
Freezing is not random, see my complete bug report below.

Yes, chunks on the edge stop loading and no more gets loaded. At least I can see no new chunks apprearing.

I took some screenshots for you about everything, read on:

Code: [Select]
Froze on startup again -- I had to kill the process. Log:

[00:00:00:000] : Starting iCE3...
[00:00:00:001] : # Warning # : Application : Lua::State : DoFile : can't open "Saves/Config.lua".
[00:00:00:056] : Done.
[00:00:00:056] :
[00:00:00:057] : New state : TestState.
[00:00:00:235] : Minimum memory size of a block : 5
[00:00:00:235] : Minimum memory size of a chunk : 276 + 5 * 3375 = 17151
[00:00:00:235] :
[00:00:00:252] : Terrain generation info :
[00:00:00:252] : World seed  : 3140
[00:00:00:252] : Persistence : 0.5
[00:00:00:252] : Frequency   : 0.01 (period : 100)
[00:00:00:252] : Amplitude   : 50
[00:00:00:252] : Octaves     : 5
[00:00:00:252] :
[00:00:00:252] :
[00:00:00:252] : Loading world 'Saves/Worlds/NewWorld001/NewWorld001.wrld'...
[00:00:00:252] : Clearing old world...
[00:00:00:272] : Done.
[00:00:00:272] :

So I've tried it again, but it has frozen on startup:

[00:00:00:000] : Starting iCE3...
[00:00:00:001] : # Warning # : Application : Lua::State : DoFile : can't open "Saves/Config.lua".
[00:00:00:049] : Done.
[00:00:00:049] :
[00:00:00:049] : New state : TestState.
[00:00:00:228] : Minimum memory size of a block : 5
[00:00:00:229] : Minimum memory size of a chunk : 276 + 5 * 3375 = 17151
[00:00:00:229] :
[00:00:00:245] : Terrain generation info :
[00:00:00:245] : World seed  : 3140
[00:00:00:245] : Persistence : 0.5
[00:00:00:245] : Frequency   : 0.01 (period : 100)
[00:00:00:245] : Amplitude   : 50
[00:00:00:245] : Octaves     : 5
[00:00:00:245] :
[00:00:00:245] :
[00:00:00:245] : Loading world 'Saves/Worlds/NewWorld001/NewWorld001.wrld'...
[00:00:00:245] : Clearing old world...
[00:00:00:266] : Done.
[00:00:00:266] :

So I've cheated a bit and renamed "NewWorld001" to "aaaaaaaa_NewWorld001" in Saves/Worlds. And yes it started up again! I'm gonna take some screenshots for you right now of the edges... (A bit annoying that I have to ALT-TAB out of the window to get back my mouse pointer, otherwise it's not shown!)

I've made 3 screenshots: "ice3-1.jpg" and "ice3-2.jpg" in on a border of the map, and then I've walked to the other end and took "ice3-3.jpg". After a couple of minutes I'm gonna take another screenshot for you of about 10 minutes playing.

Oops.. I'm creating an underground tunnel (ice3-4.jpg) and if I jump up, I can jump through the ceiling and see the world from below. I'm gonna try to capture it... success (ice3-5.jpg).

Okay, 10 minutes is over, here goes my last screenshot: "ice3-6.jpg".

I've tried to press the close button an it froze again:

[00:00:00:000] : Starting iCE3...
[00:00:00:001] : # Warning # : Application : Lua::State : DoFile : can't open "Saves/Config.lua".
[00:00:00:052] : Done.
[00:00:00:052] :
[00:00:00:053] : New state : TestState.
[00:00:00:232] : Minimum memory size of a block : 5
[00:00:00:232] : Minimum memory size of a chunk : 276 + 5 * 3375 = 17151
[00:00:00:232] :
[00:00:00:248] : Terrain generation info :
[00:00:00:249] : World seed  : 3140
[00:00:00:249] : Persistence : 0.5
[00:00:00:249] : Frequency   : 0.01 (period : 100)
[00:00:00:249] : Amplitude   : 50
[00:00:00:249] : Octaves     : 5
[00:00:00:249] :
[00:12:02:281] :
[00:12:02:281] : Closing state : TestState.

I hope all these can help you!


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iCE³ - clone of Minecraft
« Reply #34 on: August 22, 2011, 12:47:29 am »
Wow, that's a hell of a bug report :D
Thank you !

Quote from: "easy"
Yes, chunks on the edge stop loading and no more gets loaded. At least I can see no new chunks apprearing.

Ok, from the screenshots you posted, I can see that both the Loader and the Updater threads are doing their job as there is no pending chunks in their respective queues.
You have too little chunks loaded though : 1000 instead of 4000 (if you didn't change the view distance).

That said, I can see that occlusion works for border blocks (it shouldn't if the neighboring chunk has not been loaded yet). I'm sorry to involve you any further, but can you dig in the "empty" space ? For example, if you see something like in third screenshot : the block that is at the very bottom of the mountain (near the edge of the map) has some occlusion on it that suggest that another block is present nearby. If you can, try to dig there :)

Anyway, that bug is really strange. It's so obvious, and doesn't happen on my machine, with the same binaries : there must be something wrong with dependencies (or with the hardware, but that's improbable)...
I wonder : to use my own version of SFML, I provided the .so files in the same directory as the binary, and compiled it with "-rpath ./" so it can search for shared objects in its directory.
Maybe for some reason the program loads another version of SFML that you have in standard directories (/usr/lib for example).
I don't think so, because it would most likely crash if it was the case, but if you "cd" to the "ice3" directory and run "ldd iCE3" in the terminal, what does it say about SFML shared objects ?

So I've cheated a bit and renamed "NewWorld001" to "aaaaaaaa_NewWorld001" in Saves/Worlds. And yes it started up again!

Yes, by default the program tries to load "NewWorld001", and if it doesn't exist, generate a new one. That's a temporary behavior, but it's good enough for testing purposes :) You can safely delete the "Worlds" or "NewWorld001" directories when you want to start anew (my dustbin is full of it...).

Oops.. I'm creating an underground tunnel (ice3-4.jpg) and if I jump up, I can jump through the ceiling and see the world from below. I'm gonna try to capture it... success (ice3-5.jpg).

There are some rare problems with the collision detection algorithm. It works perfectly most of the time, but sometimes fails for no apparent reason.
Do you still have that world on your hard drive ? If so, can you still see through the ground when you go there ?
If that's the case, then I'd be very grateful if you could upload this world file somewhere ! I still have no reproducible case of the collision detection failing...

Thank you very much for all this feedback anyway :)


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iCE³ - clone of Minecraft
« Reply #35 on: August 22, 2011, 09:57:39 am »
Yes I've thought too that maybe we have different versions of SFML, so I've opened the ice3 directory and seen that you've provided yours. To ensure that it loads these libraries, I've added a line to your startup script:

Code: [Select]


cd `dirname $0`

By the way, after this I've also tried "ldd iCE3", and it seems to be fine:

Code: [Select]

linux-gate.so.1 =>  (0xb77f7000)
libfreetype.so.6 => /usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/libfreetype.so.6 (0xb7741000)
libdl.so.2 => /lib/i386-linux-gnu/i686/cmov/libdl.so.2 (0xb773d000)
libsfml-window.so => ./libsfml-window.so (0xb7729000)
libsfml-graphics.so => ./libsfml-graphics.so (0xb768c000)
libsfml-system.so => ./libsfml-system.so (0xb7682000)
libstdc++.so.6 => /usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/libstdc++.so.6 (0xb7594000)
libm.so.6 => /lib/i386-linux-gnu/i686/cmov/libm.so.6 (0xb756e000)
libgcc_s.so.1 => /lib/i386-linux-gnu/libgcc_s.so.1 (0xb7550000)
libc.so.6 => /lib/i386-linux-gnu/i686/cmov/libc.so.6 (0xb73f6000)
libz.so.1 => /usr/lib/libz.so.1 (0xb73e2000)
libGL.so.1 => /usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/libGL.so.1 (0xb7310000)
libGLEW.so.1.5 => /usr/lib/libGLEW.so.1.5 (0xb72b9000)
libpthread.so.0 => /lib/i386-linux-gnu/i686/cmov/libpthread.so.0 (0xb729f000)
/lib/ld-linux.so.2 (0xb77f8000)
libX11.so.6 => /usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/libX11.so.6 (0xb7165000)
libGLU.so.1 => /usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/libGLU.so.1 (0xb70f3000)
libjpeg.so.62 => /usr/lib/libjpeg.so.62 (0xb70cf000)
libXrandr.so.2 => /usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/libXrandr.so.2 (0xb70c7000)
libnvidia-tls.so.280.13 => /usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/tls/libnvidia-tls.so.280.13 (0xb70c3000)
libnvidia-glcore.so.280.13 => /usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/libnvidia-glcore.so.280.13 (0xb57b2000)
libXext.so.6 => /usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/libXext.so.6 (0xb57a0000)
librt.so.1 => /lib/i386-linux-gnu/i686/cmov/librt.so.1 (0xb5797000)
libXmu.so.6 => /usr/lib/libXmu.so.6 (0xb5781000)
libXi.so.6 => /usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/libXi.so.6 (0xb5771000)
libxcb.so.1 => /usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/libxcb.so.1 (0xb5752000)
libXrender.so.1 => /usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/libXrender.so.1 (0xb5748000)
libXt.so.6 => /usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/libXt.so.6 (0xb56eb000)
libXau.so.6 => /usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/libXau.so.6 (0xb56e8000)
libXdmcp.so.6 => /usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/libXdmcp.so.6 (0xb56e1000)
libSM.so.6 => /usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/libSM.so.6 (0xb56d9000)
libICE.so.6 => /usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/libICE.so.6 (0xb56c0000)
libuuid.so.1 => /lib/libuuid.so.1 (0xb56bb000)

This time, it loaded up without a freeze, and actuall when I've started goind off the hill I've seen a new chunk appearing, but then it stopped loading. So I've tried what you've said, to dig into the empty space (ice3-7.jpg) but as you can see, I only could dig into the loaded chunks. I've also tried to dig *and* go into the empty space, but it keeps blocking my character movement, so the collision works fine :)

What Linux distro are you using (or used, when compiled your game and SFML)? This is Linux Mint, the debian-based version, 32bits. I've got 4Gb of RAM, Intel Core 2 Duo T6670 2.20Ghz CPU, nVidia GeForce 310M with 512Mb VRAM.

I've started a system monitor and the game pretty much uses both my CPUs at 100% (ice3-8.jpg) and you can see the graph after I've killed the process (yeah, it has frozen again) on "ice3-9.jpg".


Code: [Select]
[00:00:00:000] : Starting iCE3...
[00:00:00:001] : # Warning # : Application : Lua::State : DoFile : can't open "Saves/Config.lua".
[00:00:00:055] : Done.
[00:00:00:055] :
[00:00:00:055] : New state : TestState.
[00:00:00:234] : Minimum memory size of a block : 5
[00:00:00:234] : Minimum memory size of a chunk : 276 + 5 * 3375 = 17151
[00:00:00:234] :
[00:00:00:250] : Terrain generation info :
[00:00:00:250] : World seed  : 3140
[00:00:00:250] : Persistence : 0.5
[00:00:00:250] : Frequency   : 0.01 (period : 100)
[00:00:00:250] : Amplitude   : 50
[00:00:00:250] : Octaves     : 5
[00:00:00:250] :
[00:01:00:978] :
[00:01:00:978] : Closing state : TestState.

Yes, by default the program tries to load "NewWorld001", and if it doesn't exist, generate a new one. That's a temporary behavior, but it's good enough for testing purposes  You can safely delete the "Worlds" or "NewWorld001" directories when you want to start anew (my dustbin is full of it...).

Note that it did exist, but it has crashed when loading it!

Trying to start the game, and it just don't. Log:

Code: [Select]
[00:00:00:000] : Starting iCE3...
[00:00:00:044] : Done.
[00:00:00:044] :
[00:00:00:044] : New state : TestState.
[00:00:00:233] : Minimum memory size of a block : 5
[00:00:00:233] : Minimum memory size of a chunk : 276 + 5 * 3375 = 17151
[00:00:00:233] :
[00:00:00:249] : Terrain generation info :
[00:00:00:249] : World seed  : 3140
[00:00:00:249] : Persistence : 0.5
[00:00:00:249] : Frequency   : 0.01 (period : 100)
[00:00:00:249] : Amplitude   : 50
[00:00:00:249] : Octaves     : 5
[00:00:00:249] :
[00:00:00:249] :
[00:00:00:249] : Loading world 'Saves/Worlds/NewWorld001/NewWorld001.wrld'...
[00:00:00:249] : Clearing old world...
[00:00:00:270] : Done.
[00:00:00:270] :
[00:00:00:358] : # Error # : Main : World : Unit lookup list is outdated.
[00:00:00:358] :
[00:00:00:358] : Closing iCE3...
[00:00:00:358] : Average FPS : nan
[00:00:00:358] : Best FPS : 0
[00:00:00:358] : Worst FPS : inf
[00:00:00:358] :
[00:00:00:359] : Done.

Sigh... deleted the saved world, started again. Ok. Trying to remake a collision-fail example... Ok. It seems when you've got 3 empty cubes above and you jump, you can see through the ceiling. I've digged a tunnel for you, when startup just go forward to the bottom of the next hill and you'll find it there. Go until the glass cubes and jump! Ok I've made an asphalt arrow to show where the tunnel starts. So I was climbing up to the start mounting when I've literally fallen through the whole map, see "ice3-10.jpg"! :)

And here's the saved world:


Scroll down, use the big gray "Lassú letöltés" button under the red signs!

I don't know how long these sreenshots and this .zip is available, so you might consider saving them to you hdd.

See if all these help you,


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iCE³ - clone of Minecraft
« Reply #36 on: August 22, 2011, 02:53:01 pm »
Code: [Select]

cd `dirname $0`

... that's what the compilation flag "-rpath ./" does actually, so you don't have to make that kind of script :) The original script is only needed when you want to run the game through a symlink (launcher, ...) : "rpath" tells the program to look in the current directory for shared objects, so you first have to "cd" to the game's directory, and not the launcher/symlink one.
Anyway, it seems that it's not the root of the problem.

What Linux distro are you using (or used, when compiled your game and SFML)?

I compiled the program on a 32bit Ubuntu distribution (11.04), using an Intel Core i3 (2 cores, but Ubuntu sees 4 thanks to hyper threading) with 2.4GHz per core, 2Gb of RAM, and an integrated Intel GMA graphics card (uses system RAM as VRAM), with GCC 4.5.2.

This time, it loaded up without a freeze, and actuall when I've started goind off the hill I've seen a new chunk appearing, but then it stopped loading. So I've tried what you've said, to dig into the empty space (ice3-7.jpg) but as you can see, I only could dig into the loaded chunks. I've also tried to dig *and* go into the empty space, but it keeps blocking my character movement, so the collision works fine :)

There is a safeguard in the code to prevent the player from stepping into an unloaded chunk, so the collision you see doesn't necessarily comes from the chunk blocks. If you had been able to dig, then the chunk would have been loaded but it's Quad cache wouldn't have been updated...

I've started a system monitor and the game pretty much uses both my CPUs at 100% (ice3-8.jpg) and you can see the graph after I've killed the process (yeah, it has frozen again) on "ice3-9.jpg".

That's an expected behavior if you took the first screen shot only after several seconds of gameplay. Is it still the same after ~20-30secs ?

Note that it did exist, but it has crashed when loading it!

Yes that's not really a crash but an unhandled exception :)
It happens when the game crashes (or hangs) on exit : the game saves the NewWorld0001.wrld file, which contains a unit lookup list that keeps a list of all units in the world, and information about which chunk it lies in : all the other informations about a unit is stored along with the chunk data. So if the game crashes before saving all chunks, then the unit lookup list may tell the world that a unit "X" is located in chunk "Y", and when the world loads chunk "Y", it may not find unit "X" inside... So it considers the unit lookup list as outdated, and throws an exception.
For now, this exception is not handled, and it kills the progam. Later on, I may try to rebuild the unit list so you can still load "half saved" world.

It seems when you've got 3 empty cubes above and you jump, you can see through the ceiling. I've digged a tunnel for you, when startup just go forward to the bottom of the next hill and you'll find it there. Go until the glass cubes and jump! Ok I've made an asphalt arrow to show where the tunnel starts. So I was climbing up to the start mounting when I've literally fallen through the whole map, see "ice3-10.jpg"! :)

I'm sorry, the world you provided is missing the *.wrld file, so I can't load it :( But I'm being dumb here : since the game crashes on exit for you, you won't be able to save it all...
That said, I managed to reproduce your bug and I confirm it.
Actually the camera is positioned at the very top of the unit's collision mesh (which is a simple cylinder), so there are some rare occasions when the camera is exactly "in" a block face. I'll fix it by moving the camera down a little in the next version, thanks ;)

The rare collision detection bugs I was thinking about are more like the one you experienced when climbing the mountain and fell through it.

Back on the original problem, can you try the Win32 version with wine ? It should work out of the box as well.


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iCE³ - clone of Minecraft
« Reply #37 on: August 22, 2011, 07:38:47 pm »
... that's what the compilation flag "-rpath ./" does actually, so you don't have to make that kind of script  

Ok! I'm not that experienced with coding on Linux, I've been a Windows guy for many years...

That's an expected behavior if you took the first screen shot only after several seconds of gameplay. Is it still the same after ~20-30secs ?

Yes, it didn't go lower.

Back on the original problem, can you try the Win32 version with wine ? It should work out of the box as well.

I don't have Wine installed, sorry. :)


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iCE³ - clone of Minecraft
« Reply #38 on: August 22, 2011, 10:01:34 pm »
Quote from: "easy"
Ok! I'm not that experienced with coding on Linux, I've been a Windows guy for many years...

Me neither :\

Yes, it didn't go lower.

That's not good then. One or both the additional threads are busy, but their queues are empty... They are meant to sleep for 10ms in that case, so they shouldn't use all the CPU. Or maybe 10ms is too small, I'll try to increase this number for future releases just to be sure.

I don't have Wine installed, sorry. :)

Ah, too bad.
When I have the time, I'll make a special release for you, which will output some more information in the log file. That should help to track down the issue.

Thank you very much for your help though !


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iCE³ - clone of Minecraft
« Reply #39 on: August 23, 2011, 10:41:48 am »
When I have the time, I'll make a special release for you, which will output some more information in the log file. That should help to track down the issue.

Okay, but I think you should leave most of the debug-log info in your game after! You'll never know when you'll need a logfile from a user, I always write out debug info to the console and into a file if the project is bigger.


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iCE³ - clone of Minecraft
« Reply #40 on: August 23, 2011, 12:09:21 pm »
Quote from: "easy"
Okay, but I think you should leave most of the debug-log info in your game after! You'll never know when you'll need a logfile from a user, I always write out debug info to the console and into a file if the project is bigger.

Yes, but the output will be huge here, and it will affect performances. I can't afford to keep it in a release build :)
Furthermore, I like my log file to only print critical informations. I remember Ogre printing tons of lines in the log file (about supported OpenGL extensions etc), hiding important notices such as shader compilation failure.


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iCE³ - clone of Minecraft
« Reply #41 on: August 23, 2011, 02:24:41 pm »
Here you are : [download].
Can you try this new binary ? No need for extensive testing, just run it once and wait for ~20sec, then exit.
If everything runs fine, the log file should be approximately ~700Kb (each thread describes what it's doing, so with 4000 chunks it gets quite verbose). Then please upload it somewhere so I can take a look at it ;)


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iCE³ - clone of Minecraft
« Reply #42 on: August 24, 2011, 12:52:31 am »
Playing with terrain generation :

Binaries have been updated to svn v0036.
Now supporting alpha blended blocks (water blocks mainly, but no water physics yet).
Lighting is back also :)


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iCE³ - clone of Minecraft
« Reply #43 on: August 24, 2011, 02:32:48 pm »
Quote from: "Kalith"
Can you try this new binary ? No need for extensive testing, just run it once and wait for ~20sec, then exit.
If everything runs fine, the log file should be approximately ~700Kb (each thread describes what it's doing, so with 4000 chunks it gets quite verbose). Then please upload it somewhere so I can take a look at it ;)

I did try it yesterday evening, I just didn't have time to upload it until now.

Here's the log file. It looks quite all right for me...

I've played a longer period because I've been building a house. :D
I still have the freeze-on-exit bug.


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iCE³ - clone of Minecraft
« Reply #44 on: August 24, 2011, 10:45:46 pm »

Damn man, nice work!
How did you draw the graphics? OpenGL in an SFML context?

