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Topics - Otherian

Pages: [1]
SFML projects / MapMaker - Startproject for SFML
« on: August 26, 2015, 07:07:36 pm »
Hello Everyone,

so I've started playing around with SFML (and C++) the last days and wanted to get some feedback on my Code. I've created some sort of Tile-Map-Creator (similar to the one in the tutroial) which can build a 2D-Map out of Triangles and squares based on a level-matrix (and textur-matrix).

I thought two classes would be appropriate:
a) TileMap wich contains the texture-image and position data of certain texture-sections
b) Map Entity, wich loads the World (also drawn in EventLoop)

What do you guys think?
Am I doing something completely wrong or does it look ok to you? :)

Example-2D World
Used Tileset (Credits: Cave Story; With little Explanation of Variable-Names)

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