SFML community forums

Help => Network => Topic started by: Jim70 on September 22, 2015, 10:45:02 am

Title: Can someone cook up a small example of udp sockets with packets?
Post by: Jim70 on September 22, 2015, 10:45:02 am
The documentation isn't very clear with this, so can someone cook up an example?
Title: Re: Can someone cook up a small example of udp sockets with packets?
Post by: Laurent on September 22, 2015, 11:37:38 am
What don't you understand? It's really trivial, and not more complicated than with TCP sockets. There are examples in the documentation, tutorials and example applications.
Title: Re: Can someone cook up a small example of udp sockets with packets?
Post by: Jim70 on September 22, 2015, 11:45:30 am
What don't you understand? It's really trivial, and not more complicated than with TCP sockets. There are examples in the documentation, tutorials and example applications.

Then what do I need to change in this code?
        sf::TcpSocket socket;
   char connectionType;

   cout << "Enter ip you wish to host/connect to." << endl;
   string tmp;

   cin >> tmp;

   sf::IpAddress ip(tmp);

   cout << "Port: ";
   int port;
   cin >> port;

   cout << "(s) for server and (c) for client: ";
   cin >> connectionType;

   if (connectionType == 's') {
      cout << "Waiting for someone to join..." << endl;
      sf::TcpListener listener;
   else {
      cout << "connecting..." << endl;
      socket.connect(ip, port);

        game loop:
sf::Packet packet;

      if (prevPosition != rect1.getPosition() | prevRot != rot) {
         packet << rect1.getPosition().x << rect1.getPosition().y << rot;

      if (packet >> p2Position.x >> p2Position.y >> rot2) {
Title: Re: Can someone cook up a small example of udp sockets with packets?
Post by: Laurent on September 22, 2015, 12:15:46 pm
So what exactly is wrong with this code? Please describe your problem precisely, we shouldn't have to ask all the details.

And these are TCP sockets, not UDP.
Title: Can someone cook up a small example of udp sockets with packets?
Post by: eXpl0it3r on September 22, 2015, 12:16:44 pm
And where's the UDP socket?

Also next time don't open two threads for the same topic.
Title: Re: Can someone cook up a small example of udp sockets with packets?
Post by: Jim70 on September 22, 2015, 01:28:46 pm
No, but what will I have to change to use udp?
Title: Re: Can someone cook up a small example of udp sockets with packets?
Post by: eXpl0it3r on September 22, 2015, 01:30:51 pm
Do you even understand what UDP is and how it works?
UDP is an unreliable protocol. You don't get any guarantees regarding to packet ordering or even receiving.
Title: Re: Can someone cook up a small example of udp sockets with packets?
Post by: Jim70 on September 22, 2015, 02:02:56 pm
Do you even understand what UDP is and how it works?
UDP is an unreliable protocol. You don't get any guarantees regarding to packet ordering or even receiving.

I understand the differences, tcp is more reliable but slower, but udp spits everything out as fast as possible.
witch makes it better for games (as far as ive heard) and I need minimum delay/lag.
There is a decent amount of good stuff on the interwebs about tcp and sockets, but not udp and sockets.
Title: Re: Can someone cook up a small example of udp sockets with packets?
Post by: Laurent on September 22, 2015, 02:05:53 pm
So you haven't even tried anything with sf::UdpSocket yet? I'd say start something first, the documentation, tutorials and examples should be more than enough to get you started. And if you get stuck on a specific point, come back and we'll be glad to solve your problem.
Title: Re: Can someone cook up a small example of udp sockets with packets?
Post by: Jim70 on September 22, 2015, 02:14:42 pm
So you haven't even tried anything with sf::UdpSocket yet? I'd say start something first, the documentation, tutorials and examples should be more than enough to get you started. And if you get stuck on a specific point, come back and we'll be glad to solve your problem.

*There is a decent amount of good stuff on the interwebs about tcp and PACKETS, but not udp and PACKETS.

Sorry for the confusion :)
Title: Re: Can someone cook up a small example of udp sockets with packets?
Post by: Laurent on September 22, 2015, 02:33:28 pm

Really, if you know how to do it with TCP, or with UDP and raw data, this is really trivial to adapt... So just write the code and give it a try, instead of writing forum posts :P

Anyway, you probbaly won't get any help until you show us some code and get stuck on a something specific. We won't write the code for you.
Title: Re: Can someone cook up a small example of udp sockets with packets?
Post by: Jim70 on September 22, 2015, 04:58:11 pm

Really, if you know how to do it with TCP, or with UDP and raw data, this is really trivial to adapt... So just write the code and give it a try, instead of writing forum posts :P

Anyway, you probbaly won't get any help until you show us some code and get stuck on a something specific. We won't write the code for you.

welp, ill give it a toss and see how it goes. But one last question, does tcp's lag scale with how much data you send? and at what percentage?
Title: Re: Can someone cook up a small example of udp sockets with packets?
Post by: Jesper Juhl on September 22, 2015, 05:44:29 pm
The lag you get with TCP is (mostly) due to having to retransmit when packets are lost. More lost packages - more delay.
UDP on the other hand just loses the package and you never get the data.