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Topics - og_the_trog

Pages: [1]
Network / [SOLVED] does pre-SFML-2.3 have problems with partial tcp sends?
« on: November 19, 2015, 01:08:21 am »
Hello everybody.
I was reading the tutorials on this website for "communicating with sockets". I noticed the disclaimer down the bottom which read:
When using sf::TcpSocket in non-blocking mode, calls to send are not guaranteed to actually send all the data you pass to it, whether it be as a sf::Packet or as raw data. Starting from SFML 2.3, when sending raw data over a non-blocking sf::TcpSocket, always make sure to use the send(const void* data, std::size_t size, std::size_t& sent) overload which returns the number of bytes actually sent in the sent reference parameter after the function returns.

I was just wondering if this problem of partial sends (with unblocking tcp sockets) happens with all versions of SFML and has only been presented with a solution for SFML2.3, in which case I should update to SFML2.3. Or is this problem only in SFML2.3 so I'm fine to stick to my older version?


Network / a good method for client/server communication
« on: July 17, 2014, 03:29:16 am »
Hello everyone!

so the first two times I have tried implementing networking features into a game I did something along the lines of have the client send the server info then the server disperses this information to all clients.

this worked fine, but quickly I realised that I needed a method to define which types of information was being sent and received from both the server and the client, by this I mean the client might send the server the player's x position, but then the server wont know what to do with it, it would just be a random number which could represent anything like the players x or y position or it's velocity etc.

Then I created a kind of "index" that defined what all the types of information being being sent and received meant. So say the client was sending the server it's x position then there would be a 1 at the beginning of the package that the server could then read and thus know what type of information the package contained. and if the client were to send it's y position it would have a 2 at the beginning of the package so the server knew it was a y position that it was receiving.

okay so what my question is really asking is, is there a better way to do this? after having more than a few different types of information being sent and received it started feeling a bit chaotic, or is this the correct method and should I be working on cleaning up my code and making improvements to make it less chaotic?

I'm using UDP and sfml2.0 by the way

General / event delay on linux
« on: March 05, 2014, 07:03:14 am »
hello everybody
So I'm using:
linux mint 16 - 64 bit.
GNU GCC compiler

so I will press a button then about one second after it will register I pressed the button, then about one second after I stop pressing the button it will register that the button has stopped being pressed, this also happens for mouse events.

this is an examaple of what I use:
    if (event.type == sf::Event::MouseButtonPressed)
        if (event.key.code == sf::Mouse::Left)
            //do stuff

oh and the lag gets longer the longer the program is running.

I compiled it on window 8 using code blocks and mingw and this problem was not present.

Thankyou for any help.

General / window only updating when moving mouse...
« on: February 14, 2014, 11:01:53 pm »
Okay so here's my problem...
previously I had my game loop like this:

        sf::RenderWindow window(sf::VideoMode(600, 800), "sfml game");
        while (window.isOpen())
                sf::Event event;
                while (window.pollEvent(event))
                        /* update */

and this didn't work because my sprites would only be updated when I was moving the mouse, I figured this was beause it was not polling events and thus wasn't updating, so then I added this "|| true" to the loop, so it will be updating and checking events:

while (window.pollEvent(event) || true)

and this worked perfectly... until I moved to linux mint.
when I dont have the
|| true
it has the same problem as I did on windows, but when I do have it, I compile it on code::blocks and it compiles, but when I try to run it, it shows up like the terminal where all the
std::cout <<
commands go, but not the actual game window.


window 7 home premium:
microsoft visual studio 2010 express edition

linux mint 16:
code::blocks, compiled with GNU GCC compiler

thankyou very much.

Audio / error C2039: 'Sound' : is not a member of 'sf' vc++ error
« on: January 27, 2014, 02:55:22 am »
Hello Everyone
I only started using the sfml audio module today, and when I try to define a sound and compile my code, visual studio gives me an error saying "error C2039: 'Sound' : is not a member of 'sf'"

normally on vc++ it  underlines a word in red if it has found an error, but with this it only gives me an error when I compile.

I have included SFML/Audio.hpp, but indirectly, meaning I'm including a header file that's including SFML/Audio.hpp. If that means anything.

I've also added sfml-audio-d.lib as an additional dependency, in the linker properties.

another curious thing is when I try to run the example programs for sound and sound capture a window pops up saying "the program can't start because openal32 dll is missing from your computer"
perhaps that's the reason, if it is I have no idea how to fix it...

I'm using sfml 2.0, on windows 7 home premium, and compiling on microsoft visual c++ 2010 express edition

ThankYou c:

Window / Open A Directory Search Window?
« on: December 31, 2013, 11:30:25 pm »
The topic pretty well explains it all, in my game I need the player to locate an image on their computer, and I'd like there to be a browse option rather than them having to copy and paste the address of the image.

and if sfml can't do this can someone point to a c++ library that can? (the most light weight)

Thank You.

I'm using sfml 2.0

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