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Topics - Dschoonmaker

Pages: [1]
General / SFML Visual Studio DLLs
« on: September 04, 2018, 08:58:46 pm »
When I run an SFML project in Visual Studio 2017, it loads a bunch of dlls I never included. Does anyone else have this problem or know what might be going on?

General / SFML Keybinds
« on: July 16, 2018, 09:41:06 pm »
Hello, I am making a game and want to add custom keybinds (like in Zloxx II, except with gamepad support).

Currently, I have the game working with my gamepad, but I want users to be able to make it work with custom controls/gamepad.

Thanks in advance.

Graphics / Cannot center text on screen in sfml 2.5.0
« on: June 16, 2018, 12:01:40 am »
How do I center text on the middle of the screen in sfml 2.5.0?

I have tried things like:
        text.setOrigin(text.getLocalBounds().width / 2.0f, text.getLocalBounds().height / 2.0f);
        text.setPosition(screenWidth / 2, screenHeight / 2);
But it is just slightly off.

Pages: [1]