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Messages - YellowShadow

Pages: [1] 2
General discussions / Help with VC++ Express 2010
« on: August 17, 2010, 08:42:54 am »

I'm using the latest SDK of SFML. I followed this guide http://ggammon.wordpress.com/2010/02/14/compiling-and-running-an-sfml-application-in-visual-studio-2010-rc/ and compiled SFML with VC++ Express 2010 but when I go in and create a project and link to the libraries the linker complains and says it can't find the files.

I setup the include and lib paths and I know the files are there.

Am I doing something wrong?


Graphics / RenderWindow draws white sprites
« on: January 17, 2010, 05:10:11 pm »
Thanks! I'll check those out :)

Graphics / RenderWindow draws white sprites
« on: January 17, 2010, 05:19:19 am »
Yea, I'm gonna pick up a book or something and learn C++.

Graphics / RenderWindow draws white sprites
« on: January 17, 2010, 01:47:34 am »
How do I make member variables in a class?

Graphics / RenderWindow draws white sprites
« on: January 16, 2010, 09:34:21 pm »
How come when I'm drawing sprites on my RenderWindow they come up as white? I'm on Windows, and SFML 1.5.

Any ideas?

Here is some loading and drawing code:
Code: [Select]

void Board::LoadContent()
sf::Image boardImage;
boardTexture = sf::Sprite(boardImage);
tileSize = boardTexture.GetSize().x / BOARDSIZE;

sf::Image pieceSetImage;

void Board::Draw()

If anyone could help me that would be great :)

General / [C++] Help with classes
« on: January 15, 2010, 06:41:00 am »
Right after the includes in the Board.h file.

General / [C++] Help with classes
« on: January 15, 2010, 03:47:18 am »
I tried that, but I got some new errors:


1>------ Build started: Project: TreasureHunt, Configuration: Debug Win32 ------
1>c:\dev\treasurehunt\treasurehunt\src\board.h(39) : error C2079: 'Board::highlighedPiece' uses undefined class 'Piece'
1>c:\dev\treasurehunt\treasurehunt\src\board.cpp(11) : warning C4482: nonstandard extension used: enum 'BoardState' used in qualified name
1>c:\dev\treasurehunt\treasurehunt\src\board.h(39) : error C2079: 'Board::highlighedPiece' uses undefined class 'Piece'
1>c:\dev\treasurehunt\treasurehunt\src\board.h(39) : error C2079: 'Board::highlighedPiece' uses undefined class 'Piece'
1>c:\dev\treasurehunt\treasurehunt\src\piece.cpp(27) : warning C4482: nonstandard extension used: enum 'Direction' used in qualified name
1>c:\dev\treasurehunt\treasurehunt\src\piece.cpp(37) : warning C4482: nonstandard extension used: enum 'Direction' used in qualified name
1>c:\dev\treasurehunt\treasurehunt\src\piece.cpp(40) : warning C4482: nonstandard extension used: enum 'Direction' used in qualified name
1>c:\dev\treasurehunt\treasurehunt\src\piece.cpp(43) : warning C4482: nonstandard extension used: enum 'Direction' used in qualified name
1>c:\dev\treasurehunt\treasurehunt\src\piece.cpp(46) : warning C4482: nonstandard extension used: enum 'Direction' used in qualified name
1>Generating Code...
1>Build log was saved at "file://c:\Dev\TreasureHunt\TreasureHunt\Obj\Debug\BuildLog.htm"
1>TreasureHunt - 3 error(s), 6 warning(s)
========== Build: 0 succeeded, 1 failed, 0 up-to-date, 0 skipped ==========

How come it says Piece is undefined?

General / [C++] Help with classes
« on: January 15, 2010, 02:33:14 am »
I'm trying to write some classes for my game, but I keep running into some stupid errors.

Here is my Board.h file:
Code: [Select]

#ifndef BOARD_H
#define BOARD_H

#define PIECE_WIDTH 65
#define PIECE_HEIGHT 67
#define BOARDSIZE 8

#include <SFML/Graphics.hpp>
#include <list>


class Board
Board(sf::Randomizer rand);

int TileSize() { return tileSize; }
int CurrentlyMovingPieces;
sf::Vector2f TopLeft;

int tileSize;
BoardState boardState;
bool isActive;
bool canSwap;

sf::Sprite pieceSet;
sf::Sprite pieceHighlight;
sf::Sprite selectionSprite;
sf::Sprite bonusBarSprite;

int mouseTileX, mouseTileY;
//Piece highlighedPiece;
float hilightAlpha;
int currenltyMOvingJewels;
float delayDrop;

float swapAlpha;
//SwapInfo swappingInfo;
bool validateSwap;

bool needToDropJewels;

sf::Randomizer rand;

//std::list<Piece> pieceRemains;
//std::list<Piece> hintPieces;
float hintTimer;
float hintDelay;

int baseScore;
int bonusLevel;
int removedPieces;
float removedPieceCounter;
int nextLevelLimit;
int totalRemovedPieces;
bool aboutToChangeLevel;
int longestChain;

float bonusFlashAlpha;

float timeLeft;
float maxTimeLeft;
float timePerJewel;
float timeReductionSpeed;
float timeLeftCounter;
float noMovesAlpha;

bool populatingPieces;
bool populatePieceCounterX;
bool populatePieceCounterY;
int populatePieceCursorDir;
float delayPerPiece;


and here is my Piece.h file:
Code: [Select]

#ifndef PIECE_H
#define PIECE_H

#include <SFML/Graphics.hpp>
#include "Board.h"

enum Direction { NONE, UP, DOWN, LEFT, RIGHT };
enum Type { YELLOW = 0, BLUE, CYAN, GREEN };

class Piece
Piece(Board parent);
Piece(Board parent, int x, int y, Type type);

void StartMoving(Direction dir, int howManySlots);
void StartMoving(Direction dir);
void Die();

void Update(float elapsedTime);
void Draw(sf::RenderWindow &App, sf::Color color, sf::Sprite sprite);

sf::Vector2f position;
Type pieceType;
Board parentBoard;

bool moving;
int movedSlots;
bool reportedMove;
Direction movingDir;
float movingCounter;
sf::Vector2f targetPosition;
sf::Vector2f startPosition;
sf::Vector2f moveDirVector;
float movingAccel;

bool isDying;
float deathCounter;
bool readyToGo;


If I uncomment the Piece highlightedPiece in the Board.h file, or add the line:
Code: [Select]
#include "Piece.h" to my Board.H file, I get a ton of compiler errors, I don't know how to fix.

Can anyone help me?

Here is the compiler log when I added
Code: [Select]
#include "Piece.h" and uncommented the Piece highlitedPiece line in my Board.h file:

1>------ Build started: Project: TreasureHunt, Configuration: Debug Win32 ------
1>c:\dev\treasurehunt\treasurehunt\src\piece.h(14) : error C2061: syntax error : identifier 'Board'
1>c:\dev\treasurehunt\treasurehunt\src\piece.h(14) : error C2535: 'Piece::Piece(void)' : member function already defined or declared
1>        c:\dev\treasurehunt\treasurehunt\src\piece.h(13) : see declaration of 'Piece::Piece'
1>c:\dev\treasurehunt\treasurehunt\src\piece.h(15) : error C2061: syntax error : identifier 'Board'
1>c:\dev\treasurehunt\treasurehunt\src\piece.h(15) : error C2535: 'Piece::Piece(void)' : member function already defined or declared
1>        c:\dev\treasurehunt\treasurehunt\src\piece.h(13) : see declaration of 'Piece::Piece'
1>c:\dev\treasurehunt\treasurehunt\src\piece.h(27) : error C2146: syntax error : missing ';' before identifier 'parentBoard'
1>c:\dev\treasurehunt\treasurehunt\src\piece.h(27) : error C4430: missing type specifier - int assumed. Note: C++ does not support default-int
1>c:\dev\treasurehunt\treasurehunt\src\piece.h(27) : error C4430: missing type specifier - int assumed. Note: C++ does not support default-int
1>c:\dev\treasurehunt\treasurehunt\src\board.cpp(10) : warning C4482: nonstandard extension used: enum 'BoardState' used in qualified name
1>c:\dev\treasurehunt\treasurehunt\src\piece.h(14) : error C2061: syntax error : identifier 'Board'
1>c:\dev\treasurehunt\treasurehunt\src\piece.h(14) : error C2535: 'Piece::Piece(void)' : member function already defined or declared
1>        c:\dev\treasurehunt\treasurehunt\src\piece.h(13) : see declaration of 'Piece::Piece'
1>c:\dev\treasurehunt\treasurehunt\src\piece.h(15) : error C2061: syntax error : identifier 'Board'
1>c:\dev\treasurehunt\treasurehunt\src\piece.h(15) : error C2535: 'Piece::Piece(void)' : member function already defined or declared
1>        c:\dev\treasurehunt\treasurehunt\src\piece.h(13) : see declaration of 'Piece::Piece'
1>c:\dev\treasurehunt\treasurehunt\src\piece.h(27) : error C2146: syntax error : missing ';' before identifier 'parentBoard'
1>c:\dev\treasurehunt\treasurehunt\src\piece.h(27) : error C4430: missing type specifier - int assumed. Note: C++ does not support default-int
1>c:\dev\treasurehunt\treasurehunt\src\piece.h(27) : error C4430: missing type specifier - int assumed. Note: C++ does not support default-int
1>c:\dev\treasurehunt\treasurehunt\src\board.h(39) : error C2146: syntax error : missing ';' before identifier 'highlighedPiece'
1>c:\dev\treasurehunt\treasurehunt\src\board.h(39) : error C4430: missing type specifier - int assumed. Note: C++ does not support default-int
1>c:\dev\treasurehunt\treasurehunt\src\board.h(39) : error C4430: missing type specifier - int assumed. Note: C++ does not support default-int
1>c:\dev\treasurehunt\treasurehunt\src\piece.cpp(27) : warning C4482: nonstandard extension used: enum 'Direction' used in qualified name
1>c:\dev\treasurehunt\treasurehunt\src\piece.cpp(37) : warning C4482: nonstandard extension used: enum 'Direction' used in qualified name
1>c:\dev\treasurehunt\treasurehunt\src\piece.cpp(40) : warning C4482: nonstandard extension used: enum 'Direction' used in qualified name
1>c:\dev\treasurehunt\treasurehunt\src\piece.cpp(43) : warning C4482: nonstandard extension used: enum 'Direction' used in qualified name
1>c:\dev\treasurehunt\treasurehunt\src\piece.cpp(46) : warning C4482: nonstandard extension used: enum 'Direction' used in qualified name
1>Generating Code...
1>Build log was saved at "file://c:\Dev\TreasureHunt\TreasureHunt\Obj\Debug\BuildLog.htm"
1>TreasureHunt - 17 error(s), 6 warning(s)
========== Build: 0 succeeded, 1 failed, 0 up-to-date, 0 skipped ==========

If anyone could help me that would be great!
Thanks :)

General discussions / Memory Leak?
« on: January 12, 2010, 12:07:45 am »
Okay, I'll try the SVN version of SFML. Thanks :)

General discussions / Memory Leak?
« on: January 11, 2010, 11:51:10 pm »
Quote from: "Laurent"
Some leaks have already been fixed after the latest release.

Should I check out SFML from SVN and compile that and use that with my project?

General discussions / Memory Leak?
« on: January 11, 2010, 10:39:55 pm »
I think there is a memory leak in the latest release of SFML. I'm using the CRT Debugging feature to check for memory leaks while debugging the application in Visual C++.

Here is my output:


'TreasureHunt.exe': Loaded 'C:\Dev\TreasureHunt\TreasureHunt\Build\Debug\TreasureHunt.exe', Symbols loaded.
'TreasureHunt.exe': Loaded 'C:\Windows\System32\ntdll.dll'
'TreasureHunt.exe': Loaded 'C:\Windows\System32\kernel32.dll'
'TreasureHunt.exe': Loaded 'C:\Dev\TreasureHunt\TreasureHunt\Build\Debug\sfml-window-d.dll'
'TreasureHunt.exe': Loaded 'C:\Windows\System32\opengl32.dll'
'TreasureHunt.exe': Loaded 'C:\Windows\System32\msvcrt.dll'
'TreasureHunt.exe': Loaded 'C:\Windows\System32\advapi32.dll'
'TreasureHunt.exe': Loaded 'C:\Windows\System32\rpcrt4.dll'
'TreasureHunt.exe': Loaded 'C:\Windows\System32\gdi32.dll'
'TreasureHunt.exe': Loaded 'C:\Windows\System32\user32.dll'
'TreasureHunt.exe': Loaded 'C:\Windows\System32\glu32.dll'
'TreasureHunt.exe': Loaded 'C:\Windows\System32\ddraw.dll'
'TreasureHunt.exe': Loaded 'C:\Windows\System32\dciman32.dll'
'TreasureHunt.exe': Loaded 'C:\Windows\System32\setupapi.dll'
'TreasureHunt.exe': Loaded 'C:\Windows\System32\oleaut32.dll'
'TreasureHunt.exe': Loaded 'C:\Windows\System32\ole32.dll'
'TreasureHunt.exe': Loaded 'C:\Windows\System32\dwmapi.dll'
'TreasureHunt.exe': Loaded 'C:\Windows\System32\winmm.dll'
'TreasureHunt.exe': Loaded 'C:\Windows\System32\oleacc.dll'
'TreasureHunt.exe': Loaded 'C:\Dev\TreasureHunt\TreasureHunt\Build\Debug\sfml-system-d.dll'
'TreasureHunt.exe': Loaded 'C:\Windows\winsxs\x86_microsoft.vc90.debugcrt_1fc8b3b9a1e18e3b_9.0.30729.1_none_bb1f6aa1308c35eb\msvcp90d.dll'
'TreasureHunt.exe': Loaded 'C:\Windows\winsxs\x86_microsoft.vc90.debugcrt_1fc8b3b9a1e18e3b_9.0.30729.1_none_bb1f6aa1308c35eb\msvcr90d.dll'
'TreasureHunt.exe': Loaded 'C:\Dev\TreasureHunt\TreasureHunt\Build\Debug\sfml-graphics-d.dll'
'TreasureHunt.exe': Loaded 'C:\Windows\System32\imm32.dll'
'TreasureHunt.exe': Loaded 'C:\Windows\System32\msctf.dll'
'TreasureHunt.exe': Loaded 'C:\Windows\System32\lpk.dll'
'TreasureHunt.exe': Loaded 'C:\Windows\System32\usp10.dll'
'TreasureHunt.exe': Loaded 'C:\Windows\System32\uxtheme.dll'
'TreasureHunt.exe': Loaded 'C:\Windows\System32\atioglxx.dll'
'TreasureHunt.exe': Loaded 'C:\Windows\System32\version.dll'
'TreasureHunt.exe': Loaded 'C:\Windows\System32\ws2_32.dll'
'TreasureHunt.exe': Loaded 'C:\Windows\System32\nsi.dll'
'TreasureHunt.exe': Loaded 'C:\Windows\System32\atiadlxx.dll'
'TreasureHunt.exe': Loaded 'C:\Windows\System32\wintrust.dll'
'TreasureHunt.exe': Loaded 'C:\Windows\System32\crypt32.dll'
'TreasureHunt.exe': Loaded 'C:\Windows\System32\msasn1.dll'
'TreasureHunt.exe': Loaded 'C:\Windows\System32\userenv.dll'
'TreasureHunt.exe': Loaded 'C:\Windows\System32\secur32.dll'
'TreasureHunt.exe': Loaded 'C:\Windows\System32\imagehlp.dll'
Detected memory leaks!
Dumping objects ->
{145} normal block at 0x00116350, 20 bytes long.
 Data: <Pc  Pc  Pc      > 50 63 11 00 50 63 11 00 50 63 11 00 CD CD CD CD
{144} normal block at 0x00116238, 216 bytes long.
 Data: < u              > AC 75 03 10 01 00 00 00 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
{143} normal block at 0x001161F8, 4 bytes long.
 Data: <8b  > 38 62 11 00
Object dump complete.
'TreasureHunt.exe': Loaded 'C:\Windows\System32\dinput.dll'
'TreasureHunt.exe': Loaded 'C:\Windows\System32\hid.dll'
'TreasureHunt.exe': Loaded 'C:\Windows\System32\clbcatq.dll'
The program '[5672] TreasureHunt.exe: Native' has exited with code 0 (0x0).

and here is the code I'm using:
Code: [Select]

#include <stdlib.h>
#include <crtdbg.h>

#include <SFML/Graphics.hpp>

int main()

sf::RenderWindow App(sf::VideoMode(1024, 728, 32), "Treasure Hunt");

sf::Image Image;
if (!Image.LoadFromFile("data/background.png"))

sf::Sprite Sprite(Image);

while (App.IsOpened())
sf::Event Event;
while (App.GetEvent(Event))
if (Event.Type == sf::Event::Closed)

float ElapsedTime = App.GetFrameTime();



Just wanted to let you guys know. I don't know if it's in my application or in the actual SFML library, but hopefully a better developer than me can help me :)

General / Visual C++ Questions
« on: January 30, 2009, 05:36:00 pm »
I got it to work :) I think there was something wrong with my project file so I just started over and so far everything seems to work :)

Thanks guys!

General / Visual C++ Questions
« on: January 30, 2009, 08:11:55 am »

I still need help on this.

General / Visual C++ Questions
« on: January 27, 2009, 12:56:08 am »
I think there may be some other problem that's not letting the loading happen. I commented out the image loading and App.Draw() line, and I still get a buffer overflow.

Code: [Select]

First-chance exception at 0x00431819 in Client.exe: 0xC0000005: Access violation reading location 0xcccccccc.
A buffer overrun has occurred in Client.exe which has corrupted the program's internal state. Press Break to debug the program or Continue to terminate the program.

Am I doing something wrong? I can put up the actual project/solution if it's really needed to see if I'm setting up everything correctly.

General / Visual C++ Questions
« on: January 25, 2009, 11:57:03 pm »
Bump. I still need help with this.

Can anyone help?

Pages: [1] 2