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Topics - R23MJ

Pages: [1]
SFML projects / Brickfall: A tetris clone
« on: December 23, 2019, 07:19:15 am »
Hello all: I made a small Tetris clone. There isn't much to it, but if you like Tetris, give it a whirl. I probably won't be updating this much, I plan to start working on some unique projects, but if anybody finds a bug I'm sure I will have time to patch it up. Let me know what you think of the logo work, I'm not much of an artist, but I tried to go for a retro 80's style. https://download1480.mediafire.com/a3ig2r77hp3g/xi3pxjzt1nty8a1/Release.zip

SFML projects / [WIP] Dice game maker
« on: February 14, 2017, 04:46:55 am »
Where I Got the Idea
(click to show/hide)

How to play Liar's/Pirate's Dice (This is really the only thing you need to read before downloading):
(click to show/hide)

Liar's Dice is working!!! Download here:
Download(mediafire): ~810kb compressed (.zip)

Okayyy... So, What is it?
    The (Really) Brief Synopsis
    My Dice-whatever-you-wanna-call-it is essentially a Lua framework. I use Sol2 -- an amazing C++ <-> Lua binding library -- add a "Dice" class, some network classes, some animations/images, Dear ImGui, throw it all into the compiler, down a cup of coffee, take a few breaks to go outside and shovel some snow, and BOOM!: you can make dice games in Lua.

    So now that you have a really vague idea of what this actually does/is, I'll try to explain some more. Explaining things has never really been my strong suit, so strap in and I'll just take you down code-snippet lane.

    The Part Where I Show You Something Useful/Just Code

Sol2 stuff
(click to show/hide)

Dear ImGui stuff
(click to show/hide)

Okay, okay. Enough Talk, Where do I Download it?
    Unfortunately, it is in a horrible state to distribute, I'm not gonna do that yet. I'm going to clean it up a bit, and optimize it (*cough* *cough* Client class) then dice games shall once again rule the world (I don't think they ever did, but lets pretend). Hopefully in a couple days I can release the kraken (get it), and you can enjoy some dice games. I also wanna setup this spare RasPi of mine as a server, so everyone can try their hands at liar's dice, and not just download a useless framework.

I know there will be at least 1 person -- hopefully -- who will be interested in looking at the Liar's Dice Lua file to learn how the Framework will work, and feel. So here it is, keep in mind this is in dire need of being cleaned up, not just the Lua, the C++ too. I made a Player class, which is fine, but I feel it is needless garbage, and will without a doubt be removed before I release this. Without farther ado, the files:
(click to show/hide)

Ehhem.. screenshots.
    So, I am not artist, and I didn't make the dice texture either, I just modified some things and made it into a texture, so it's not pretty. I mean, it's actually just five dice and a menu. But the h*** with it: here are some screenies.

Client View:

Server View:

Nice, nice. But What All Could I Do with this?
    Everything is exposed to Lua, you could even write AI Code for offline mode play, Admittedly, I attempted to and failed miserably, and decided to stick to something I know how to do. AI's are no joke man. Here is a list of things I have thought of, but this is definitely not the exhaustive list.

  • Automatically run functions (Init(), Update(), Close())
  • A Debug() function, press F2 at any point to do whatever
  • Create, roll, and get the value of dice.
  • Communicate with a server, server tools to manage it
  • Lists folders in "Games" directory, game folders should include "server.lua" for servertools, and "run.lua" for the client.
  • Very extendable: possible to make AI, for offline play, possible to make rating (ELO?) system, and store data server side.

Finally, the end
    It seriously took me about two hours to write this, but strangely, I enjoyed it. I hope I touched on everything, and explained well enough what this is. If not, feel free to ask questions. I can't say how often I will be checking this, I will probably come back to talk about updates, and possibly a few times while I'm supposed to be paying attention in school. Last message: if you read all of this, you are a true trooper, and thanks for that.

Graphics / [SOLVED] Resource union throws access violation for Fonts.
« on: July 02, 2016, 01:10:26 am »
    So I am trying to write a Resource loader and manager (Yes I know of Thor, this is just a "learning" project.) and I have started experimenting with unions, not something I use very often. I created a class (as seen in code below) called resource which has a union that contains a texture/font. The texture loads correctly; however the font throws an access violation

Exception thrown at 0x00C5DBE0 in Project.exe: 0xC0000005: Access violation reading location 0x00000004.

The following is my complete and minimal example.
(click to show/hide)

General / Procedural Generation for Dungeon Crawler
« on: November 20, 2015, 01:34:23 am »
I recently decided to start working on a rogue-lite dungeon crawler, all was going well; Movement, collision detection, and even the art are all almost complete. Then I got to the level generation part, I have looked into several methods including Perlin Noise; however, all of the common methods seem to be for island generation. My goal is to generate a single room per floor, I'm not asking for code or examples, but if anyone knows of an efficient method for tile-based room generation please do share it's name so I can look into it. Thank you.

Hello, I am currently trying to use an external library alongside SFML on iOS. Problem is that this library requires adding a few lines to the iOS Application function "didFinishingLaunchingWithOptions". I am plenty capable of modifying SFAppDelegate in order to get the library to work correctly; however, this means I would have to build SFML for each individual project I do, the library I am using makes you add your "Application ID" so I would have to update that line each time I needed to create a new project. I would prefer to not do this, so my question is, is there a way for me to modify SFML didFinishingLaunchingWithOptions without actually modifying the source code of SFML.

i.e. is there anyway to overload that function in the project I am making, or will this cause some hiccups in SFML?

Network / Simply socket storage not working.
« on: September 06, 2015, 04:12:47 am »
Hello, I try not to ask questions, however; all day I have been reading through the forums, stack overflow, and various other places searching for an answer, unfortunately to no avail. What I am trying to accomplish is storing TcpSockets, I have come to the conclusion that I will need to use Smart Pointers or move semantics (which SFML does not yet support, SFML3.0? :) ). I have never used Smart pointers so I read up on them a bit, and thought that I understood, but I was apparently wrong because I can't seem to get my wrapper class to work. Below is the code I have, I know of some various errors that I will point out, but don't know how to fix. If there is anything that I miss it would be appreciated if you could help with that too.

class Client
   Client() //I think I need to take the TcpSocket here and make the std::unique_ptr point to it. But I can't, it says I am copying the socket.



   sf::TcpSocket& getSocket()
      return *_sockPtr;

   std::unique_ptr<sf::TcpSocket> _sockPtr;

And this is the code I am using to accept clients. It's a bit rough right now.

            if (Selector.isReady(Listener))
                Client client;
                if (Listener.accept(Connections[Connections.size() - 1].getSocket()) != sf::Socket::Done)

                    std::cout << "Client Connected." << std::endl;

I'm sorry if the answer is just really simply. I am just having trouble figuring it out.

SFML projects / [IOS] Get Big - Simple lifting game
« on: July 01, 2015, 11:58:55 pm »
Hello SFML Forums.
A while ago some friends and I decided to begin working on a small game, eventually we decided to port it over to iOS. The game is about lifting, your main goal while playing is the increase your "Max", the maximum weight you can lift. What better way to achieve this then tapping :D.

Link to store: https://appsto.re/us/yPY27.i
copy and paste this into Safari on your phone. Searching may not come up with the app because of how new it is.

Test Your Max - Tap as fast as you can to lift the weight, increasing your Max each rep until failure.
Lift For Reps - Again tap as fast as you can to lift the weight, however in this mode the weight stays the same between reps and you are given no rest for a total of four reps. Each set you complete in reps mode will increase your "Strength modifier" allowing you to easily lift more weight.

The Shop:
The shop currently only offers protein shakes, but these small drinks will increase your strength modifier significantly! To buy a protein shake you need to earn a total of 50 coins, you can do this by simply playing the game, each time you lift the weight to the top your player earns one coin!


Note: This is written in C++ with SFML, SFML loads the graphics and plays the audio and, well everything. Thank you to Laurent for making this possible.

SFML projects / [WIP] A Tile Map Editor and Loader designed for SFML!
« on: June 09, 2015, 12:58:32 am »
Despite the name, sf::Tilemap is not an extension to SFML, but rather a Map Editor built around it. This is a little something I was working on for my next few projects. It is a simplistic Map Editor with a few basic controls. This is just a project I like to work on when I'm stumped or bored.

Below is a list of current and planned features.

 - Left click to place tiles.
 - Right click to delete tiles.
 - Middle click to change current tile to tile at location.
 - LShift Left click to fill layer.
 - LShift Right click to empty layer.

Current Features
 - 512x512 Map Canvas to build on.
 - 32x32 Tile support.
 - Scrollable tile set window 256x(Tile set Height).
 - Layers.

Planned Features
 - Customizable Map Canvas.
 - 16x16 and 64x64 tile support.
 - Layer Attributes.
 - Jukebox : Add audio relative and non-relative to player.
 - Light : (LTBL2?)
 - Saving/Loading, prebuilt DLL for easy implementation.
 - Attach tileset window to Canvas window, option to drag it off.
 - Optimize code (Implement OOP)

Blank Canvas, Showing off layout.
(click to show/hide)

Simple Test map I made.
(click to show/hide)

Tiles are public domain images, not created by myself.

General / iOS Build error, possible linking problem?
« on: June 05, 2015, 12:10:33 am »
I am getting an error I believe to be a linking error, as I do not work with Xcode, or on mac very often I find it hard to debug errors there. If anyone could help me figure out what this error might be, that would be amazing.

Undefined symbols for architecture x86_64:
  "_OBJC_CLASS_$_CMMotionManager", referenced from:
      objc-class-ref in libsfml-window-s.a(SFAppDelegate.o)
ld: symbol(s) not found for architecture x86_64

After fiddling with it a little more, I think the problem has something to do with the Architectures I am using to build SFML and the ones I am using to build my project. I have tried every possible combination of them and nothing seems to work, I always get errors similar to the one above, maybe saying i386 instead of x86_64. Here is a screenshot of my settings page currently.

General / How to setup an android project.
« on: May 21, 2015, 07:09:28 pm »
Is anyone here familiar with how to actually setup an android project, I am using VS13 with NVIDIA Nsight Tegra. Now do I need to use one of the Java project types provided by NVIDIA or a standard c++ project? Also would I link the .so files SFML provides like any other library or is the process different?


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