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Topics - Zuzu_Typ

Pages: [1]
Window / Confusion with modern OpenGL
« on: July 26, 2016, 06:22:44 pm »
Dear community,

so is it possible to use modern OpenGL with SFML?

If so, how do you do it?

I don't seem to be able to get my code running, not creating a context with GLEW.

I even tried using the SFML-core attribute in the ContextSettings, but that didn't change anything.

So if I don't use my own GLEW context the program crashes at
Code: [Select]
glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0);
Is it supposed to crash here or did I do a mistake somewhere?

I am using mostly modified code from learn-opengl.com .

Thank you for your time and help,

Window / Switching between Window Styles at runtime using GLEW
« on: July 17, 2016, 04:17:32 pm »
Hello Community,

I'm currently working on a small game engine in C++ using SFML.

Since SFML doesn't support modern OpenGL out of the box, I use my own GLEW context.

I know you could simply disable the compatibility mode in SFML, but as I'm fairly new to C++ and I always have issues with Cmake so that seems out of question.

So my problem is that when I try to switch between sf::Style::Default and sf::Style::Fullscreen, the window stops working and freezes.

I'll try to give you only the necessary code, which is hard, since the window runs in a separate thread than my main application.

Here is what the toggleFullscreen function looks like

Code: [Select]
// close the window
exists = false;

fullscreen = (fullscreen) ? false : true; // enable fullscreen

// recreate the window
if (fullscreen) {
sf::VideoMode mode(fullWidth, fullHeight); // fullscreen resolution

window.create(mode, title, sf::Style::Fullscreen); // use fullscreen style
else {
sf::VideoMode mode(width, height); // default resolution

window.create(mode, title, sf::Style::Default); // use default style

exists = true; // declare the window as opened

glewExperimental = GL_TRUE;
if (glewInit() != GLEW_OK)
std::cout << "Failed to initialize GLEW" << std::endl;

// Define the viewport dimensions
if (fullscreen) {
glViewport(0, 0, fullWidth, fullHeight);
else {
glViewport(0, 0, width, height);

// here I do OpenGL stuff, like creating shaders, buffers and prepare the texture that's supposed to be displayed

// note that I do not re use the already created shaders, since this part of the code is only temporary and new

// reload projection matrix
memory.projection = glm::perspective(45.0f, static_cast<GLfloat>(width) / static_cast<GLfloat>(height), 0.1f, 100.0f);

Is this sufficient code?

I also attached a GIF showing my output.

Thank you for your help and best regards,

Pages: [1]