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Messages - jagoly

Pages: [1]
Audio / OpenAL errors after deleting last sf::SoundBuffer on linux
« on: October 16, 2016, 10:59:53 am »
Hi. I've discovered what I think is a very minor bug in either SFML or OpenAL. It's fairly easy to reproduce on Linux:

> set sf::Listener transform (works)
> create and load sf::SoundBuffer
> create and play sf::Sound
> wait until status of sound changes to stopped
> delete sound and the sound buffer
> setting sf::Listener transforms now give errors

I've attached a minimal example I put together. You need to link to the debug build of SFML or you don't get the error messages.

edit: the errors I get look like this: http://hastebin.com/zihabeguvi.txt

Graphics / Re: Can't seem to use sf::View
« on: May 29, 2014, 11:16:15 am »
Actually, still on the same problem:
If I change the texture of an sf::sprite, shouldn't it's size change to match the texture? Otherwise, I'd need to create a new sprite every time I render. Or, how would I go about doing that when resizing?

Graphics / Re: Can't seem to use sf::View
« on: May 29, 2014, 08:46:56 am »
Sorry for the spam. I was trying to set the view of the window pointer before I had actually initialized it. Sorry :P

Graphics / Can't seem to use sf::View
« on: May 29, 2014, 08:35:45 am »
Hi. In my project, I'm trying to get window resizing working as I want it, with an sf::View. The problem line is:
window->setView(sf::View({0, 0, static_cast<float>(size.x), static_cast<float>(size.y)}));
Where size is a vector2u, from the resize event. replacing them with any static value also does the same thing. window is a pointer to an sf::RenderWindow.

What happens is, upon reaching this line, the application will segfault. Am I using this class completely wrong, or is there some other issue? The full project is on launchpad, the file with this error is here: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~james-gangur/sqee/exp/view/head:/libsqee/app/application.cpp (line 69)

I'm running Ubuntu 14.04, with stable SFML 2.1 from the repos.

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