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General / Key press.
« on: February 11, 2012, 09:55:21 pm »
How do you check for a SINGLE key press? So you want to check if spacebar has been PRESSED and then RELEASED. So checking for one tap.

General / Mouse problem.
« on: January 28, 2012, 05:12:44 am »
So now i want to get mouse into my games. Earlier i was just using the keyboard but now I need to learn how to get mouse input and stuff. Well as a test, i just tried to set the position of a sprite the same as the position of the mouse pointer. So, i used sf::Sprite::SetPosition() and then gave the parameters of the function the mouse x coordinate and y coordinate. The problem was, the sprite wasnt at the point of the mouse. Like when i moved the mouse the sprite moved so it was working, but at the wrong coordinates. So if my mouse pointer was at 0,0 for example, then the sprite would be wayy below to the right or something. Please help and thanks so much!

SFML website / About the tutorials.
« on: January 27, 2012, 09:46:33 pm »
When are the SFML 2.0 tutorials going to get uploaded? I keep checking but it still only has one tutorial, which is compiling with CMake or something. And also, im COMPLETELY confused about the github thing. How does it work? I want some tutorials but when i went to the website, i didnt know anything about how to get to the tutorials. Thanks in advance!

Window / Resizing window.
« on: January 20, 2012, 01:07:29 am »
So while i was developing, i noticed something when i changed the window size. So in my game i had the player that moved at a certain speed when you pressed a button. But whenever you resize the window, the player gets bigger and i believe the graphics gets worse too. But the problem is that the speed just decreases ALOT. And when I resize it to a much smaller size, the speed of things gets much faster. Also when i resize it small, the player collision messes up. So basically what i want to know is that how do you keep your game data consistent even if then change the size to very small or very large?

General / SFML Special effects and stuff?
« on: January 04, 2012, 10:45:29 pm »
Ok so as the title might suggest, and im no where near this i still want to know how you can do special effects with SFML. Is it advanced enough for like cool special effects? E.g. particle systems,explosions,etc.   And also, where does shaders come into play here?

General / Distributing SFML games on other websites.
« on: December 29, 2011, 10:57:04 pm »
So how do you distribute games over the web that you make in SFML? And do the SFML dlls have to go with the package because then people would know i made it in SFML which would mean they could modify it by some way.. and also the dlls take up alot of more memory and then the game itself with the assets all take up a lot of mb just for a flash game.. And could i earn money by advertising in my game? Im a noob in this kind of stuff..

General / SFML Window not showing!!!
« on: December 16, 2011, 03:13:15 am »
So i linked with SFML 1.6 and MinGW but when build and run the code, all i get is a blank console window, not the SFML one. When i cross out the console window, it stays for like 8 seconds(as if its frozen) and then it terminates. I don't know what i did wrong. I tried reinstalling everything but the same problem still occurs. I've had SOO much problems with SFML installation with codeblocks.I've been trying to get SFML to run for the past like 4 days.So help would be incredibly appreciated! Thanks!

General / Undefined References
« on: December 12, 2011, 10:22:30 pm »
Ok so i've been trying to get SFML to work for the past few days and i keep getting "Undefined reference to sf:: "   and then theres like so many whenever i try to use sf:: namespace.  First there was a problem like this with a dll. " This application failed to start because libgcc_s_dw2-1.dll was not found" but i installed the dll and got it to work. Now I have this problem. I really want help i love SFML please reply! Thanks!

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