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Messages - chessguy

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Seems my programming attempts are always full of problems... hrm

Ok, so I am using SFML 1.6 with Code Blocks and minGW.

I am trying to link it statically. I have tried following the tuturial but cannot seem to make anything work.

That is about where I am right now. Also, should I assume that I should make an empty project? I figured so but it is possible it is important when GUI is considered.

I hav edownloaded the... mingw versiom mentioned on the tuturial, and it is set to using that for compiling/deugging/linking. I have also downloaded the full SDK.



Ok. I have decided, at least for now, to try static linking.

In other linker ptions, I did -lsfml-system-s, etc. I still don't entirely understands what debug configeration means, though,  Still no defines. On the bottom of the tuturial article, I am not entirely sure what it meant by including external libraries and some extra step. Can you explain this?

Now, both with that and also using the DLL's, trying to use samples, for instance, never did anything. Say, the window sample: if I read it correctly the window should say open witht he while loop and display. I got a popup of the console window. Pong brings up an error regarding cos not being part of the std namespace, and something else I am unsure of. I think it may be related to those external audio libraries.

My attempt at static libraries refuse to run at all. An empty project with a simple main reference brings up a winmain16 error, which I don't entirely understand why it is there.

Any ideas?

Ah. Your right. My origional plan was to link statically so I didn't think it mattered.

If I do it like that, it runs with no errors. And this is... is this dynamically linking? I still don't entirely get that concept. I don't think I defined SFML_DYNAMIC. Nope, I didn't.

How about this: How do you think I should try to link them? Statically sounds nice due to it being only one excutable, etc, but it seems dynamic is preferred. I think dynamic is the DLL's, anyhow. Although when I tried doing it statically it brough tup the same error, so I am a bit lost. Where do you recommend I try to use?

Thanks for your help. Much appreciated.

Greetings, all.

Longer stories short, I know C++ - sort of - but have never been able to get external libraries to work yet - and the console just isn't quite that good for making games. So, I decided to give SFML a try.

As I expected, it did not work. Quite likely my fault. Anyhow. So, I followed the tuturial on the wiki - or mabye the main site - on hot to link to it, etc with code blocks and mingw for 1.6.

In Global compiler settings, search directories, compiler I got the SFML include folder, and in linker the lib folder.

So far, so good.

Linking libraries themselves has always been my problem, it seems. SinceI have no idea how to use SFML at all, I decided to just try ti include the system library. Still in global compiler options (you could do it per project in project build options though) and then linker options (Or wherever the ability to link specific libraries is) and then the other linker options boxs, I added "-lsfml-system". I took the code on the wiki (uses some clock function) and tried to run it. The console came up, but I got an error popup, something about...

"This application has failed to start because sfml-system.dll was not found. Re-installing the application may fix the problem."

Note that I am using the toolchain exutables, etc from the minggw gcc thing on the wiki.

I tried adding several prefixes -  -d, -s, -s-d, all the same error. I also tried the SFML_DYNAMIC link, although I am not entirely certain how I will be linking them... the idea of static seems nice - just one exutable, not a folder with it, etc - but it seems dynamic is the prefered method. Ideas on that Either way, I cannot seem to get it to work.

I think I will, unless you have recomendations otherwise, try to link dynamically.

Any ideas how I can get past this?


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