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Messages - Melcx

Pages: [1]
General discussions / Re: When will Build for Microsoft Visual Studio 2017?
« on: February 02, 2018, 06:40:22 pm »
I just upgraded all my project to vs2017 and had some really strange errors, and SFML was the cause of them.
I used the 2015 static linking lib, UCRT wasn't compatible : project building was ok but function like strtof() were sending non-sense error.
I finally built everything myself with CMake and everything is working again.

Audio / Re: Unhandled Exception Openal32.dll
« on: June 08, 2017, 10:40:24 am »
Thanks again to eXpl0it3r who gave me the idea ^^

Any idea about when the next SFML version with the updated OpenAL will be released ? Some other people could have this problem.

Audio / Re: Unhandled Exception Openal32.dll
« on: June 07, 2017, 01:47:23 pm »
Okay, I tried with this implementation : http://kcat.strangesoft.net/openal.html (openal-soft-1.18.0)
Just renamed their compilated soft_oal.dll to openal32.dll, aaand...

No more crashes :D thanks a lot !!!

Is there some performance implication using this ? Do you prefer some other implementation ?

Audio / Re: Unhandled Exception Openal32.dll
« on: June 07, 2017, 12:33:18 pm »
Okay that's strange, now it crashes regardless of the instancing of sf::Sound (it crashes even with the "sf::Sound soundLayers[NOOT_SOUNDLAYERS_COUNT];" line commented) or loading the SoundBuffers. It only seem to reduce the crash probability.

The crash always happen at more than 320 seconds on my PCs. I don't have any console warning.
There is two openal.dll threads, is it normal ?

Maybe it's related to the memory used by my program:
The resource monitor says it's using 1093 Mb commited memory, 277 to 1077Mb Working Set, 19Mb Shared, 1058Mb Shared.
I'm not really sure of the meaning of that, does that mean my program is using more than 3Gb ? Or at least 1093Mb ?

I'm going to test it with less memory used, 64bit build, then with previous SFML version.

Audio / Re: Unhandled Exception Openal32.dll
« on: June 07, 2017, 11:28:57 am »
I updated my driver (by the Realtek website), changed the PC, but nothing changed. It must have something to do with my code.

I tried to disable any SFML dependency gradually. The error never happen if I don't instanciate any sf::Sound classes. But my LoopingMusic class doesn't induce any error : it's based on a LoopingMusic class I found on Github, inherit from SoundStream, there are 4 of these playing at the same time (I'm experimenting things with music layers xD).

THEN it must come from my using of sf::Sound.
It's  pretty sound intensive game with a lot of shooting, explosions, so I thought it was a good idea to prepare 8 layers of sounds, empty at start, that will be filled with previously loaded buffers and played when needed (32 different sounds).
If I simply load the SoundBuffer in memory, no crash, But if I have some prepared sound that plays nothing, here come the crash.
Here is a minimal code (way simpler than the real one) :
class SoundManager {
        sf::Sound soundLayers[NOOT_SOUNDLAYERS_COUNT];//"preparing" the layers, when I comment this line, no more crash
        vector<sf::SoundBuffer> loadedSounds;

        void PlaySound(int sound_id) {
                for (int i=0;i<NOOT_SOUNDLAYERS_COUNT;i++) {
                        sf::Sound* sfsound=&soundLayers[i];

                        if (sfsound->getStatus()!=sf::Sound::Playing) {//if the layer isn't used

Is it a bad practice to keep empty sound that just wait to be filled and played ? Or may I instanciate them when needed then release them when they are Stopped ?

Audio / Re: Unhandled Exception Openal32.dll
« on: June 06, 2017, 01:23:10 pm »
I think so, or maybe a wrong pointer somewhere of my program (but it's always the same error, so it's not that random). My program doesn't directly use OpenAL, i'm only using it trough SFML (sf::Music, sf::Sound).
I changed to vs2012 : with this other OpenAL dll, I have the same symptom (error in OpenAL thread around 5-7min), but the error is different : Exception thrown at 0x6FA12B69 (MMDevAPI.dll) in NOOT.exe: 0xC0000005: Access violation writing location 0x746E6973.
Maybe an OpenAL dependency is involved ?

Anyway, i'll try to update the audio pilot, restarting it...

Audio / Re: Unhandled Exception Openal32.dll
« on: June 05, 2017, 04:48:59 pm »
Similar problem here, same version, 2.4.2 on vs2015 : "Exception thrown at 0x0F8843E9 (openal32.dll) in NOOT.exe: 0xC0000005: Access violation reading location 0x00000000."
I'm making a game with some music layers played synchronously and some sound effects. I'm crashing randomly around 7 minutes too (almost every time). I tried to disable sound effects and music but it keeps crashing, it seems to come from the OpenAL thead.
The game thread isn't directly involved since the crash happen randomly during drawing, logic updates...
I tried with various OpenAL32.dll (including the one of the SMFL SDK), running in Debug or Release, with static and dynamic linking, only tested with SFML 2.4.2, 32bits only.

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