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Topics - MakaiKing0

Pages: [1]
General discussions / [SFML] ECS Architecture Efficiency
« on: August 17, 2016, 01:04:34 am »
Hey all, I have been working on a game engine using an ECS Architecture with SFML.  I've made several engine versions and I'm hoping to get some idea of where I should be aiming goal wise as well as some ideas on how to make my code more efficient.

Specifically I'm looking at the total number of game objects that can be rendered to the game window simultaneously before rendering drops below 60 FPS.  I'm running my engine using a semi-fixed update cycle with a max of 25 UPS and a semi-fixed render cycle with a max of 60 FPS.  I'm also calculating the total maximum potential cycles as a guide, that is the total actual number of times the game-loop loops itself.

My first engine version was able to render as many as 75 objects to the screen simultaneously before dropping below 60 FPS.
My second engine version was able to render as many as 2,300 objects to the screen simultaneously before dropping below 60 FPS.
And my third engine version was able to render as many as 12,000 objects to the screen simultaneously before dropping below 60 FPS.

So if anyone is an experience C++ programer making game engines with SFML any advice and stats of your own engines to compare mine to would be awesome!

General / Linking Error: LNK4099: PDB
« on: May 23, 2015, 08:47:01 pm »
Ok so I've recently started using SFML 2.3, it's working fine but I get 47 warnings all are LNK4099: PDB warnings....

I'm using the Static versions of the libraries, and have set things up as follows:
 - I created a copy of the SFML 2.3 folder and it's sub-items in my project folder for easier access and to ensure I don't accidentally move or delete it.

In my project: (Note: I am using the 64-bit version)
 - I set to All Modes (x64)
 - C/C++ > General > Additional Include Directories = "C:\Users\Josh\Documents\Visual Studio 2012\Projects\TestECSModelBeta\SFML-2.3\include"
 - C/C++ > Preprocessor > Preprocessor Definitions = SFML_STATIC
 - Linker > General > Additional Library Directories = "C:\Users\Josh\Documents\Visual Studio 2012\Projects\TestECSModelBeta\SFML-2.3\lib"

 - Switched to Debug Mode (x64)
 - Linker > Input > Additional Dependencies =
  • sfml-graphics-s-d.lib
  • freetype.lib
  • jpeg.lib
  • sfml-window-s-d.lib
  • opengl32.lib
  • gdi32.lib
  • sfml-system-s-d.lib
  • winmm.lib

 - Switched to Release Mode (x64)
 - Linker > Input > Additional Dependencies =
  • sfml-graphics-s.lib
  • freetype.lib
  • jpeg.lib
  • sfml-window-s.lib
  • opengl32.lib
  • gdi32.lib
  • sfml-system-s.lib
  • winmm.lib

I get the following warnings:
(click to show/hide)

It's not been an issue, everything seems to work fine, but it would be nice to get rid of these warnings so I can focus on the important ones....  I'm pretty sure I set something up wrong just not certain what....

Anyone had this issue and know how to fix it?


Pages: [1]