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Topics - KnIfER

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Window / How to make the entire window draggable?
« on: March 24, 2018, 02:28:56 am »
Hi all :),I am using sfml on the platform windows,to mimic potplayer. 
with sfml and windows my application is blocked while resizing or moving,so I've decided to abandon the default title bar and the four borders:
sf::RenderWindowmy window(vmode, "Imgui-sfml widgets test", 0);

Now I have a lot of questions:
  I.How to make the entire window draggable?(solved)
 II.Is it possible to fake a title bar and four borders using imgui?
III.Once I've faked four borders,how do I change mouse cursor when it is hovering on one of the boders?

I think the first question is the simplest so I use that as my title.

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