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Messages - Deathbeam

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SFML projects / Re: [.NET] SFGL - Simple and fast game library
« on: February 21, 2014, 07:59:26 pm »
I'm sorry this might sound rude, but let me get this straight. You copy and pasted in some NetEXT code and copy pasted in SFML.NET rectangle/vector classes all for the sake of "not confusing the user". Then you reinvent the wheel with your own drawable class (which looks more like an update class) all for the sake of trying to write a self contained library that hides what the library really doing internally for your little game dev community.

You also claim that the GUI used by your library is your own advanced code when you are really using Gwen. This really should be clarified, "Our GUI library makes endless possibilities in making of GUI for your own game" is extremely misleading.

To sum it up, you do your best to write your own library that hides the internal implementations from the user and prevents them from using the internal implementation directly in their own code. But at the same time you come to the community that powers your library and ask them to try your code that broken with the original library because you decided to copy and paste in code.

Not too good in my opinion, you can do what you want with the way you take my above comments. Remember its only the way I see it, but I don't plan on using any of your code since because as stated above, is broken with other libraries.

What I really would suggest you do is, #1 change the name - SFGL doesn't make much sense and is confusing, not to mention we just had this discussion over Lololilight's lib  #2 don't re-implement other libraries code in your own library just because being self contained seems neat - in the end it just causes more headaches.

Oh and since you are up to 3 different "game engines" now I suggest you read the following link.

As first, I have all credits there. Second, I wanted to inherit that classes and just add functionality there, but for some reason, ihneriting structures is not possible. And in header of that 2 classes, I have that it is code from SFML. And no, I am not claiming that that GUI is mine, i have written in my release package on git that it is not my GUI library and that I am planning to write my own. But I understand what do you mean. And thanks for that link, I will surely read it. And, I am working on this lib as base for my game on what I am working on with some friends, here are few examples of it:

SFML projects / Re: [.NET] SFGL - Simple and fast game library
« on: February 21, 2014, 07:15:05 pm »
Hmm I think this is not double-post, I do not know rules of this forum very good, but 3 days passed, so I think it is not.
I don't care about multiple posts. As long as you have something new to say, you can say it ;)
Fair enought :)

New SFGL 1.1 Release!

In this release I commented many more parts of code. Also, new scene manager is fully working. Also, most of code is using now my new Rectangle and Vector2 classes (structs).

I updated website of SFGL too with new landing page, new downloads page and hopefully finished and working documentation page.

You can download latest release here: http://sfgl-dev.github.io/downloads.html.

I am occuring some StackOverflow bug right now, I think it is caused by GameComponent inheritance, so I am probably going to make GameWindow class static (and remove inheritance of RenderWindow and make it as component), hopefully it will fix it. But I do not wanna use GameWindow as static class, so if you guys have any tips how can I fix it, I will appreciate them. For some reason, MonoDevelop is refusing where that stackoverflow error occurs, so I am not sure if that GameComponent causes it.

SFML projects / Re: [.NET] SFGL - Simple and fast game library
« on: February 20, 2014, 11:01:35 am »
Hmm I think this is not double-post, I do not know rules of this forum very good, but 3 days passed, so I think it is not.

I am working on new documentation using Sandcastle Help File Builder, so I started commenting library code. It is really pain and I am bored of it already lol. But I pushed some commits to GitHub, and I sucesfully commented most of code. Also, I created new state manager (hmm I should update site with updated tutorials....). And, as zsbzsb suggested, I removed Tao reference and updated readme.

SFML projects / Re: [.NET] SFGL - Simple and fast game library
« on: February 17, 2014, 04:06:30 pm »
And why I do not wanna include NetExt? Becouse I am planning to make my own particle system, and it will simply interfere with NetExt particle system and also I have own content managing system, so I do not need one from NetExt and I think it will confuse users when they will have that much choices :)

Btw, updated website with new Bootstrap theme by http://bootswatch.com/ called Spacelab. Now it is looking alot better imo. And also there added another tutorial for creating scenes.

SFML projects / Re: [.NET] SFGL - Simple and fast game library
« on: February 17, 2014, 12:25:45 pm »
.NET can be replaced in other platforms with Mono. I already tested entire library with Mono compatibility (on my development PC I do not even have .NET installed, I am using MonoDevelop and Mono). And I am using Tao only temporary until I will make my own GUI library, becouse Gwen requires to clear depth buffer. Thanks for telling me your full name zsbzsb, It is always nicer to have full names in credits.

SFML projects / Re: [.NET] SFGL - Simple and fast game library
« on: February 16, 2014, 08:47:45 pm »
Calling your project SFGL is not a good idea:
- everyone wants to call his SFML-based engine SFGL
- the naming is really close to "SFML", which may make people think that it's the "official" engine based on SFML

This is just my thought, based on what I've already seen. The choice is of course up to you ;)

I know, but I thought it will be good idea, becouse I am trying to strictly follow SFML way of handling things (like main game window initializing is simply inherited class from RenderWindow, so it can be initialized in almost same way). And also, I just <3 SFML and I want to show to everyone that I based this library of SFML.

SFML projects / Spooker - Open Source Game Framework
« on: February 16, 2014, 06:01:15 pm »
Open Source Game Framework

Hello everyone, I am new here and I wanna share with you project on what I am working.

Spooker Framework is fully free and open source game library, what will help game developers in making their own games faster. Spooker is based on SFML (Simple and Fast Multimedia Library) and its port binding SFML.NET. SFML is cross-platform (running on top of OpenGL) multimedia library, what is really fast and easy to use. Becouse of using cross-platform libraries, Spooker is able to run on most platforms, including Windows, Linux and even Mac.

I am working on this project mainly becouse I need good, stable and fast base for game on what I am working, so I am frequently testing all features and finding ways how to short time spent coding game using this framework. This framework will be pure 2D, do not expect any more dimensions from it (okay, we can jump over 3rd dimension and add here also time as 4th dimension, becouse using this framework is taking more or less time, and I believe that time is the 4th dimension, I do not care about scientists telling that it is not, for me it is! :D). Less code == More fun.

Please, consider watching us on GitHub to be updated with latest releases. You can use this library in any project freely. Share it with your friends.
Website: http://spooker-dev.github.io/

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