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Topics - Visor

Pages: [1]
Audio / sf::SoundRecorder derived class
« on: December 11, 2017, 08:58:26 pm »
Hello everyone,

I'm trying to make a derived class of sf::SoundRecorder, but I get an error at the start in the constructor:

Code: [Select]
class cMicRecord : public sf::SoundRecorder

bool isRecording();

virtual bool onStart();
virtual bool onProcessSamples(const sf::Int16* samples, std::size_t sampleCount);
virtual void onStop();

bool m_bRecording;
bool m_bOperational;

Exception is thrown at 0x77D0A225 (ntdll.dll) in ******.exe : 0xC0000005 : Access violation when writing at 0x00000004.

I really don't understand how is it possible. I guess I did a mistake in the implementation ?
Is it impossible to make a constructor of a derived class wich has its constructor in protected ?

Graphics / Multi pass drawing
« on: April 14, 2017, 05:01:50 pm »

I'm trying to do a multi pass drawing (e.g environment, character, particles), but I can't figure out how to draw sf::RenderTexture to another sf::RenderTexture with a sf::Blend style.

I guess my logic is wrong... How should I draw my drawables to multiples buffers with transparent background, and then draw all this buffers to a sf::RenderTexture with blend style ?

I actually draw all my drawables to the related sf::RenderTexture, and then try to combine all thoses render texture with blend style in one to apply a shader on it.

Audio / [SOLVED] OpenAL error (AL_OUT_OF_MEMORY)
« on: April 13, 2017, 03:56:08 pm »

I get an AL error, but I have no idea what I did wrong in my code. I really don't think it's a memory problem, I have RAM 16 GB and create new sounds only if there are less than 100 sounds in the vector (I read that it can works until 256).

The first error I get is:
An internal OpenAL call failed in SoundSource.cpp(37).
   alGenSources(1, &m_source)
Error description:
   There is not enough memory left to execute the command.

And then, every new sound created implies this error:
An internal OpenAL call failed in SoundSource.cpp(37).
   alSourcei(m_source, AL_BUFFER, 0)
Error description:
   A bad name (ID) has been specified.

It's probably because of my sound manager, so here is it:

for (std::vector<sSoundManager*>::iterator iteratorSounds = m_soundManager.begin(); iteratorSounds != m_soundManager.end() ; )
      if ((*iteratorSounds)->m_bPlayed == false // Play the sound if not played yet
         && (*iteratorSounds)->m_iTimeDelay <= 0)
         (*iteratorSounds)->m_bPlayed = true;
      else if ((*iteratorSounds)->m_bPlayed == true // Purge played sounds
         && ((*iteratorSounds)->m_sound.getStatus() == sf::Sound::Status::Stopped
         || ((*iteratorSounds)->m_bTimeToLive_enabled && (*iteratorSounds)->m_iTimeToLive <= 0)))
         if ((*iteratorSounds)->m_sound.getStatus() != sf::Sound::Status::Stopped)

         iteratorSounds = m_soundManager.erase(iteratorSounds);
      else // Processing sounds
         (*iteratorSounds)->m_iTimeDelay -= m_DeltaTime;

         if ((*iteratorSounds)->m_bTimeToLive_enabled
            && (*iteratorSounds)->m_iTimeDelay <= 0)
            (*iteratorSounds)->m_iTimeToLive -= m_DeltaTime;


I saw that "erase.()" deletes the element when it want (not instantly)... But I don't think it can be the problem.

Do anybody have an idea where the problem can be ?

Network / ttl
« on: March 11, 2017, 11:03:53 pm »

I'm working on network with SFML and I just would like to know if a next version of the SFML will allow to define the ttl's packet ?

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