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Topics - Pridexs

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SFML projects / Rock, paper, scissor.
« on: July 12, 2013, 04:14:43 am »
Hello all,

Bear in mind that I do not have a lot of knowledge in C++, I started to implement Classes and Pointers and whatnot in this Jokenpo game for the first time.

I want to know how can I improve what I am doing. I know that I could've shorten a lot my code and possibly make a few changes.

Obviously, I don't want you to write any code for me, but I want to know if I am in the right path or I should go back, and revise everything I thought I know ?

Anyways, without further ado, here it is:

Game Download: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/14138136/Games/PROJECT%20NOVA/Project%20Nova.rar
Game Source Code: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/14138136/Games/PROJECT%20NOVA/NOVA%20Source%20code.rar

Menu: Mouse
Game: Arrow Keys and Enter Key

Why I didn't implement keyboard in the Menu ? No Idea.
Is there a way to make some kind of delay ? You can see that the hand flickers a lot, I did an if with several statements(?) with a sf::Clock, but that was very buggy and weird to use, so I decided to leave as it is.


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