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Messages - Dennis

Pages: [1]
System / Mouse event problem....
« on: February 19, 2017, 11:22:29 am »
I have the event loop inside the main.cpp and i have 2 classes  (a game class and a player class) i want the player to shoot if the user presses the mouse. but the only thing i could use was the sf::Mouse::isButtonPressed(sf::Mouse::Left) it works but if you press it just keeps repeating. so i was thinking about using events. but then i need to send it via main.cpp to game.cpp to the player.cpp. is there another way of doing this?

does someone know a good way of sending event data. because now i have a fucntion in the game.cpp thats named SetMouseState(bool state) that sets a value in the game.h called mouseState and i have the same function in the player.cpp that does the same thing. this is really annoying to do it for every single button.

Graphics / Drawing is too hard in sfml?
« on: February 18, 2017, 03:08:33 pm »
When i want to draw a simple rectangle i have to create an object for every single rectangle or draw the same object on multiple places is there any other way i can draw.

when i create a class with a draw function i can't just enter  window->draw_rectangle(x,y,width,height) i must create an object inside the class and set all its properties inside the constructor.

i can try to use the same object and change the value's before drawing it but there is no pop() or push() so i would have to reset everything manually.


System / People messing with my programs.
« on: December 01, 2016, 08:36:04 pm »
I don't want people to see all photo's and data files of the game. because they can cheat and its annoying to send them all one by one. i can put them in a winrar file but not everyone has winrar. so is there a way i can put all
files in the exe file?

Pages: [1]