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Topics - pvigier

Pages: [1]
SFML projects / Vagabond - a procedural 2D RPG
« on: June 10, 2019, 01:21:05 am »
Hi everyone,

I am Pierre, I am a user of SFML for years and love it!

For two months, I am working on a procedural world generator for a 2D RPG and I am using SFML.

The first step was to generate maps:

Then I "rasterized" the polygonal maps to obtain tiles:

And this week, I have started to procedurally place objects in the biomes:

If you want more details on the procedural generation, I wrote weekly devlogs and the series starts here.

For now, there is no game, there is only an editor which is made with Qt and I integrated SFML to make the rendering. It looks like that:

The project is still in the early stages but I plan to add dungeon/cave generation, town generation, character generation, etc. until I have a playable RPG.

If you have any question or comment, feel free!

General / [SOLVED] Undefined reference to OpenGL when linking MyGUI
« on: December 05, 2017, 10:50:33 pm »

I am trying to integrate MyGUI in my SFML application. I have build MyGUI for OpenGL3. But when I try to link MyGUI, I get this error :

/usr/bin/ld: /usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-linux-gnu/5/../../../../lib/libsfml-graphics.so||undefined reference to symbol 'glGetTexImage'|

Apparently there is a conflict between MyGUI and SFML for OpenGL.

I try to link OpenGL and GLEW but it does not resolve the problem.

Do yo have any thoughts on this ?

Thank you !

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