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Topics - moistweb

Pages: [1]
Graphics / [SOLVED] Applying a sf::Transfrom to a sf::Sprite
« on: June 24, 2014, 01:20:33 am »
Hello everyone,
I've been recently working with the Animated Sprite in the Wiki. And so I came across an operation that requires retrieving the current active sprite from the AnimatedSprite, with all its transforms ( to be specefic, this operation is collision detection, I need to pass the sprite with all the transforms applied to it in order to test for collision). The problem is that the AnimatedSprite doesn't use sprites to output the animation result ( it uses sf::Vertex if I'm not wrong).  This class is derived from sf::Transformable, so it's possible to retrieve the sf::Transform from it, but the problem is that I couldn't find a way to apply this transform to the sprite that gets passed to the collision detection function. Any help guys, I really need to fix this !

Graphics / White Highlight over a sprite using color multiplication
« on: June 18, 2014, 02:25:25 pm »
Hello everyone,
in my Shmup game, and as every other Shmup games, enemies when getting hit tend to highlight in white for aesthetic purposes. I want to do the same, 'on the fly', without having to load a white version of the enemy sprite, that is, use color multiplication or some other technique. Unless the problem I found is that color multiplication doesn't produce a white color in the result. Any suggestions guys to achieve the result ?

Hey all,
This question is more Visual Studio specific : I'd like to know if there's an extension that enables showing a drop box ( similar to when you're typing a function name, and then a small menu shows all available functions with a name similar to what you typed, and the same goes to variables), unless in my case, I'd like from Visual Studio to show all available filepaths when you start typing a filepath string ( e.g. "Assets/Backgrounds/, in this case the menu should show a list of all available files within the Backgrounds folder). That's because typing a wrong filepath everytime and getting the unexisting texture filepath issue is a bit hard to go through when designing levels or enemies. Hope my request was explained clearly enough. See ya :)

Graphics / Append multiple textures to a single sprite ?
« on: June 06, 2014, 03:22:06 am »
Hello folks,
I'm currently designing the Background class for Skywalk, and so I thought of a solution to achieve a good background management. This solution requires to append multiple loaded textures into one single sprites, but I just can't think of a solution, the only method relating textures to sprites that I know of is setTexture() ( and setTextureRect() of course). Can someone help me figure this thing out such that when I load a texture, I can add it to the end of the sprite  ( i.e. without modifying previously added textures) ?

SFML projects / Digital Artist ( basic random image generation)
« on: May 30, 2014, 01:18:19 pm »
Hey there,
just wanted to do some creative work, waiting for more of inspiration and will-power ( :p ) to comeback in order to work on Skywalk ( the Shmup game I'm working on). So I made this random image generator program that has been stuck in my head for some time, and thought it would be great to share it with you, so here it is :


It can generate up to 1 490 116 119 384 765 625 different images, pretty interesting so make sure you give it a try.

SFML projects / My first non-console Game : Reda's Snake
« on: September 14, 2013, 04:46:12 pm »
Hello friends,
Reda's Snake is my first graphical game ( all the others were console games) written in C++ using the almighty SFML, and was made in 4 days. I faced some code design and bugs that I had to fix because this is my first game that uses a complete Game loop.

I really enjoyed making this game, and seeing it improve each day was really exciting.
Please,  if the code have some weakness, or if you think a part of the code could have been better, just tell me ! I absolutely need to know how you guys think about it as my first "Graphical" game. And I feel like I have to improve my skills, so any advice will be greatly appreciated.


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