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Messages - Gauth

Pages: [1]
Feature requests / Re: sf::Vector2/3::Type typedef
« on: January 22, 2015, 03:55:05 pm »
Some templated vector functions like length and dot product. Also I use 64-bit int vectors, when possible, without differentiating the vector type name, so in some case, for example when storing one of the component into a temporary variable, I have to know the underlying type (32-bit or 64-bit). I admit the later problem is not very SFML-related, so I understand Laurent when he hesitate on the relevance of such feature (I understand now that's very specific to my problem).

Feature requests / Re: sf::Vector2/3::Type typedef
« on: January 22, 2015, 03:17:44 pm »
I have no more argument, clarity was my only one :P So this discussion ends there.

Thank you anyway and good afternoon !

Feature requests / Re: sf::Vector2/3::Type typedef
« on: January 22, 2015, 02:45:55 pm »
Sorry, I made some search before posting but I found nothing (bad keyword).

And why isn't that possible ? I assume it break no code. I understand you say "no" to larger features that are not in the range of features SFML provides. But, between
the first one is much clearer. And I think clear code is better in general.

Sorry to bother you with that.

Feature requests / sf::Vector2/3::Type typedef
« on: January 22, 2015, 02:21:07 pm »
Hi there !
Would it be possible to add a simple typedef in Vector2/3 describing the type the vector use ?
For example it would be nice for use in template function/class :
template <typename Vec>
Vec::Type addCoordinate(Vec vec)
    return x + y;

I know in C++11 we can use decltype to do that but i don't find it pleasant to read :
template <typename Vec>
decltype(Vec::x) addCoordinate(Vec vec)
    return x + y;

One line can "simplify" a lot of lines !
Thanks :)

Pages: [1]