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Messages - Wibbs

Pages: 1 [2] 3
DotNet / Silly problem with updating to SFML 2
« on: October 13, 2010, 11:03:44 pm »
SFML compiles fine, but trying to compile CSFML is giving me two errors:

Error   1   error C2664: 'void sf::Window::Create(sf::VideoMode,const std::string &,unsigned long,const sf::ContextSettings &)' : cannot convert parameter 1 from 'sfWindowHandle' to 'sf::VideoMode'   f:\c sharp\SFML 2\sfml2\CSFML\src\SFML\Window\Window.cpp   80   csfml-window

Error   2   error C2664: 'void sf::Window::Create(sf::VideoMode,const std::string &,unsigned long,const sf::ContextSettings &)' : cannot convert parameter 1 from 'sfWindowHandle' to 'sf::VideoMode'   f:\c sharp\SFML 2\sfml2\CSFML\src\SFML\Graphics\RenderWindow.cpp   87   csfml-graphics

DotNet / Silly problem with updating to SFML 2
« on: October 13, 2010, 10:53:29 pm »
Hey all,

I've been banging my head against the desk repeatedly with this, as I am certain it's a stage I'm missing when moving across to the SFML 2 files.  Everything compiles OK, but when I try to run my code I get the following error:

Unable to find an entry point named 'sfSprite_SetOrigin' in DLL 'csfml-graphics'.

This seems to me to be some kind of mismatch between the assemblies I have added references to and other files, but I can't find the basic 'How to set up SFML.net' instructions, so I can't check whether I'm doing all the steps I need to do.  

Thanks in advance for your help,


General discussions / How stable is the API for SFML 2.0 now?
« on: July 31, 2010, 12:27:31 am »
Are there any tutorials available that take you through the main changes to the API, or is it a case of going through the documentation?

General discussions / How stable is the API for SFML 2.0 now?
« on: July 30, 2010, 08:11:43 pm »

The title says it all really.  I'm currently using 1.6, but am very soon going to have to make some significant changes to the GUI for my game.  If the API for 2.0 is relatively stable then I would probably consider converting across, so any estimation on this would be extremely helpful.



DotNet / What do I use instead of RenderWindow.Events with SFML1.6?
« on: July 06, 2010, 02:59:51 pm »
Thanks for the reply on this.  On reflection I think that DispatchEvents will do everything I need it to, and it actually makes my code a lot cleaner.


DotNet / What do I use instead of RenderWindow.Events with SFML1.6?
« on: July 05, 2010, 10:06:48 pm »
Well, I've rewritten my main loop to use DispatchEvents and event handlers, but would still like to know if it's possible to access the events before they're dispatched...

DotNet / What do I use instead of RenderWindow.Events with SFML1.6?
« on: July 05, 2010, 09:31:51 pm »
Hey all,

I've just update SFML to 1.6, and it seems that the RenderWindow class no longer has an Events member.  I was accessing this to get an array containing all of the window events that needed to be processed.  Is there an equivalent in 1.6, and if not then what am I supposed to use?  It seems that the c++ library has a function GetEvent for the Window class, but I can't see an equivalent with the .Net version...


General discussions / Which language to use?
« on: April 30, 2010, 12:58:10 am »
I'm working with SFML and c# and apart from a few minor wrinkles largely to do with my misunderstanding the SFML API, its been extremely straightforward to use.

DotNet / Displaying a clipped part of tree-list (for scrolling etc)
« on: March 21, 2010, 01:11:56 pm »
Hmmm, you're talking about someone with absolutely no experience with OpenGL at all here... :wink:

Also, how do you access opengl calls through .net with sfml, as it doesn't seem to work in the same way as the tutorial shows for c++?

DotNet / Displaying a clipped part of tree-list (for scrolling etc)
« on: March 20, 2010, 09:22:12 pm »
Hi all,

I'm trying to implement a tree-list view contained within a scrollable pane, but I can't work out the best way of displaying a small part of the overall tree.  I need to be able to clip it horizontally if any of the strings are too long, and vertically if the list has too many items for the size of the display pane, the idea being to implement scrollbars to navigate the list.

I would appreciate any pointers as to how to approach this.  



DotNet / Easy way of determining spacing of lines of text
« on: March 16, 2010, 09:57:36 pm »
Ah, ok I think I've got what you mean. So, the size I specify when I create the String2D object gives the maximum height of any text entered?

DotNet / Easy way of determining spacing of lines of text
« on: March 16, 2010, 08:18:17 pm »
Hi again,

I'm using 1.5 coz I don't want to have to deal with the regular updates to the version 2 code base at the moment.

I'm working out the String2D height by calling .GetRect() and taking the height from the resulting FloatRect.  When I do this for different strings, it gives different heights.  Am I doing this wrong then, because this is the only way I can see of getting a height measurement for the String2D?



DotNet / Easy way of determining spacing of lines of text
« on: March 16, 2010, 07:36:53 pm »
Hi all,

Just wanted to ask a quick question.  I'm currently implementing the GUI for my game, and am working out how to deal with multiple lines of text.  Given that the height of a String2D varies depending on the characters in the string, is there an easy way of determining the vertical spacing required to ensure that lines of text are evenly spaced for a given font and font size?  

The way I'm thinking of doing it at the moment, is to use a test string containing the highest and lowest characters for a particular font to establish the largest height a String2D could have, but this seems a tad cumbersome.  Is there an easier way?



DotNet / Problem with Shape object displaying black
« on: March 10, 2010, 06:53:47 pm »
Thanks for that, it's worked a treat.

On a sort of related subject, I've had a quick go at compiling the .net version of 2.0, but with no success.  I fully admit to the fact this is likely to be just me not understanding the process fully, and was wondering if there is anything written which takes you through the steps of doing it.  I've looked on the wiki with no success.



DotNet / Problem with Shape object displaying black
« on: March 10, 2010, 11:45:24 am »
Hi Laurent,

Thanks for the reply, and I understand what you are saying in theory.  However, I'm probably being dim here but how do I assign the global colour without setting the point colour?  Is it this colour that is set in the constructor for the object?  If this is the case, how do I change it after the object has been created?

Sorry for all the (probably obvious) questions.


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