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Messages - MarsCoreTeam

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SFML projects / M.A.R.S. - a random shooter
« on: November 26, 2010, 06:33:56 pm »
Quote from: "Svenstaro"
You are still linking against libjpeg.so.62 in your new build, btw. How do you create the windows builds?

Also, please link against the new sfml so names in your premake file. Currently it tries to find sfml2*.so which doesn't represent upstream.

Can you also make an install target for your premake file and add an INSTALL or README file with build instructions?

Late edit: Here, I packaged your game for Arch (http://aur.archlinux.org/packages.php?ID=43905)

I'm a TU and I will create an official package once you guys have a stable release. Also, sfml2 needs to make a stable release first before this can happen.

We have a few questions about your post so Simon is going to write you an email.

Best regards,

SFML projects / M.A.R.S. - a random shooter
« on: November 25, 2010, 09:15:06 am »
Quote from: "Nexus"
Very nice game! Reminds me much of TOU. The weapons are funny :D

And the effects look indeed great. However, I find it quite difficult to move accurately. And the landing is nearly impossible, if enemies are around. Maybe you should simplify the movement a little bit, for example by allowing to fly backwards. Another idea would be to fly direct curves when pressing up and left or right. I.e., the gas jet would emit not only straight rearward.

Thanks for the praise.

Controlling is actually not easy to master when starting with M.A.R.S.
But we think that this difficulity is one of the things making this game something special.
We know it can be frustrating bumping around and hitting every planet,
but with some practice it enables the player to drift around very smoothly, which is a very cool feeling.

Best regards,

SFML projects / M.A.R.S. - a random shooter
« on: November 24, 2010, 10:56:13 pm »
Quote from: "Svenstaro"
Your presentation is outstanding. I'd appreciate if you could make the controls a little easier, perhaps a follow-mouse mode? Also, could you mark the players ships a bit better to follow them in the heat of the battle?

Thank you very much :)
Mouse controls are not planned so far... we will see what we can do about making navigation easier.
The marking of the player's ship has been improved in each last release and so will be in any further.

Best regards,

SFML projects / M.A.R.S. 0.6.0 finally arrived!
« on: November 24, 2010, 08:33:01 pm »
Simon and I put a lot of work into the new release and are proud to present it eventually.
Let's see what is new:

Heat-causing particles are influencing their environment in a smooth-looking and flickering kind of way. This leads into a very dynamic and pretty optical impression.

Annoy your enemies with setting them asleep or reversing their controls!
Refill your fuel and life without landing!
Be unbreakable for a while!
Just collect the write PowerUp ;)
You can configure their Spawnrate in the options menu.

New weapons!
We built in a rocket launcher.
Homing missiles will scare your enemies to death.
But be careful: they always attack the nearest ship.

Easier for new ones!
Tutorial bots are very weak now, their flying has been corrupted and they die after a few hits.
AI-strength is adjustable in the options menu.
As a little extra we gave every bot an individual “coefficient of dumbness“.

Improved backgrounds!
Especially gamers using hd-displays will be very keen on the new high resolution background textures. The end of tiling ;)
Furthermore background settings are randomly chosen from big pictures. You will never see the same background twice.
The resolution of the starfields can be switched in the options menu.

A more detailed changelog can be found on http://www.marsshooter.org .

Have fun with the new version!
Feel free to commend!

Best regards,

SFML projects / M.A.R.S. - a random shooter
« on: October 20, 2010, 09:51:11 am »
Quote from: "pencils"
awesome work guys! Only played the demo for a few minutes, but was blown away by the production quality. This game is really polished! Love the look and feel.

Can I suggest a possible feature, if you don't mind. I used to love Star Control melee mode, and that had a wrap around battle-field. It makes the game flow a bit smoother as you just appear on the other side!

Perhaps you could add that as an option?

max kudos!

Thanks for your good words ;)

We already thought about that feature and came to the conclusion, that this option might destroy tactical aspects of the game (especially in SpaceBall).
Maybe we are going to add an option to turn wrap around on/off.

Best regards,

SFML projects / M.A.R.S. - a random shooter
« on: October 16, 2010, 11:27:42 am »
Quote from: "Svenstaro"
I was just curious that you, unlike most modern games, you did your complete game in C++ without any scripting support. This isn't critique by any means and I currently not script my games as well but I thought all the cool kids today build a scriptable engine for their games. :P

:D agreed. But in our opinion, C++ is a lot more fun to use ;)

Best regards,

SFML projects / M.A.R.S. - a random shooter
« on: October 15, 2010, 09:44:18 am »
Quote from: "Svenstaro"
Just played it a little, nice game! I recommend you also provide libjpeg.so.62 though since my distro (Arch) comes with libjpeg 8 and other modern distros will as well.

I especially like the consistent graphical style you went for.

Is there any reason you chose premake? I haven't worked with it yet but from the looks of it, its features and purpose is mostly that of CMake. If you have used both, can you provide some insight why you went for premake?

I congratulate you on making the game and its assets GPL3. I think I might be snatching a few bits of it for my own projects soon (GPL3, of course). :)

Is there a reason you are not using a scripting language except for the build script?

You are using mixed CRLF line endings. Try to keep it to just LF so vim doesn't show weird symbols.

All in all good job, looking forward to any further development.

Thanks for your praise!

libjpeg.so.62 is a good point, I think we will provide it in further versions.

Our reason for choosing premake is its simpleness. CMake seemed quite complex when we started to concern about build scripts.
But we will try to switch to CMake in the future.

Feel free to use the code as you like ;)

I don't understand your next point. What for we should use other script languages?

The mixing up of CRLF and LF comes from editing M.A.R.S. under both Windows and Unix. It's a bit tricky to have system independend text parsing.

Stay tuned ;)
Best regards,

SFML projects / Release 0.5.0
« on: October 14, 2010, 11:14:47 pm »
A new release is now available http://www.marsshooter.org !
We fixed some bugs and implemented a lot of new features.

Here are the most important ones:
A tutorial level, which probably helps getting used to M.A.R.S.
Language support (English and German so far).
New high resolution background images (important for wide screens).

A more detailed change log is posted at our homepage.

Please feel free to test the new version and to give as many feedback as possible!

Best regards,

System / [fixed] SFML2: sf::Utf8::ToUtf32 conversion problem
« on: October 11, 2010, 11:46:19 am »
Hey, cool, Thanks :D ! And you've already committed it to SVN! Awesome!

Greetings, Simon.

System / [fixed] SFML2: sf::Utf8::ToUtf32 conversion problem
« on: October 11, 2010, 10:14:57 am »
Thanks for your reply, Laurent!

There we go... the following example loads an utf8-encoded text file. I used this one (right Click... save as). Since I'm on Linux, it's line endings are simple line feeds. Therefore it will look like one single line on Windows, but this shouldn't be a problem.
The lines of this file are displayed on screen with sf::Text's. The following code does not work for me. Nevertheless, when I include "utf8.h" (from the library mentioned in my first post) and use it's conversion function, it works...
Code: [Select]

# include <SFML/Graphics.hpp>
# include <fstream>
# include <sstream>
# include <iostream>
# include <vector>

//# include "utf8.h"

void load(std::vector<sf::String>& lines) {
    // load text file
    std::ifstream fileStream("unitext.txt");
    std::string line;
    // read line by line
    while (std::getline(fileStream, line)) {
        std::basic_string<sf::Uint32> utf32line;

        //utf8::utf8to32(line.begin(), line.end(), back_inserter(utf32line));
        sf::Utf8::ToUtf32(line.begin(), line.end(), back_inserter(utf32line));


int main() {
    std::vector<sf::String> strings;

    sf::RenderWindow App(sf::VideoMode(400, 300), "Unicode Test");

    // create a sf::Text for each sf::String
    std::vector<sf::Text> lines;
    int y(10);
    for (std::vector<sf::String>::iterator it = strings.begin(); it != strings.end(); ++it, y += 40) {
        sf::Text line(*it, sf::Font::GetDefaultFont(), 30.f);
        line.SetPosition(10.f, y);

    while (App.IsOpened())
        sf::Event Event;
        while (App.GetEvent(Event))
            if (Event.Type == sf::Event::Closed)

        // draw them all
        for (std::vector<sf::Text>::iterator it = lines.begin(); it != lines.end(); ++it)

    return EXIT_SUCCESS;

System / [fixed] SFML2: sf::Utf8::ToUtf32 conversion problem
« on: October 10, 2010, 11:52:53 am »
Hello there!

I am trying to load an utf8-encoded text file into a std::vector<sf::String>. When I use this litte, but great library everything works as supposed to. After doing

Code: [Select]

void load(std::vector<sf::String>& lines) {
    // Open the test file (contains UTF-8 encoded text)
    std::ifstream fileStream("unitext.txt");
    std::string line;
    while (std::getline(fileStream, line)) {
        std::basic_string<sf::Uint32> utf32line;
        // this line converts utf8 to utf32 with the help of the metioned library
        utf8::utf8to32(line.begin(), line.end(), back_inserter(utf32line));

the vector "lines" contains utf-32 encoded sf::Strings.
But since SFML supports utf conversions as well, I tried to do the same, only with SFML. Therefore I changed
Code: [Select]
utf8::utf8to32( ... );
Code: [Select]
sf::Utf8::ToUtf32( ... );
which, as I thought, should result in exactly the same behaviour. But it doesn't: When there is a non-ascii character, all trailing characters are dropped.

Am I doing something wrong :? ? Or is it a bug :shock: ?

Greetings, Simon.

SFML projects / Release 0.4.0
« on: September 30, 2010, 12:40:19 am »
We finished relase 0.4.0 tonight.
Many bugs were fixed and it includes a lot of new features.
Download it at http://mars-game.sourceforge.net/download.html

Best regards,

General / SFML2: Bundling for linux release
« on: September 27, 2010, 12:18:07 pm »
Thanks for your advice!

I wrote the following script:
Code: [Select]


exec ${PWD}/main

For me (linux Mint 64 bit) and another PC (ubuntu 64 bit)  it worked quite well. In order to test it, you may download from Sourceforge: http://sourceforge.net/projects/mars-game/
Any feedback concerning compatibility is highly appreciated!  :wink:

Greetings, Simon.

SFML projects / M.A.R.S. - a random shooter
« on: September 26, 2010, 10:20:31 am »
Basically, each window is a quad, sourrounded by a quad on each side and in each corner with the neon-tube-texture on it.
All other widgets are non-textured, simply drawn with OpenGL commands.
We decided to design our own GUI, since M.A.R.S. is a small game and any GUI-library we looked at, was bigger than M.A.R.S. in total and that would have been a bit odd, wouldn't it?
All the textures are created with Blender and The Gimp.
Hopefully I answered your question sufficiently, if it's targeted more the internal code structure, feel free to download the sourcecode, and ask any further questions!

Greetings, Simon.

BTW: There is an EPIC WALLPAPER, made from a screenshot of the upcoming version 0.4!

General / SFML2: Bundling for linux release
« on: September 25, 2010, 09:30:35 pm »
Hello there!

I've got pretty much the same question, as mongrol a week ago. But now it targets SFML2!
For our  project M.A.R.S. we use SFML2. Distributing executables for Windows is easy and works like a charm.
But since we are mainly developing this game under Linux, we want to provide precompiled versions for Linux as well. So there we go:

Is there any more convenient way to do this than proposed by Svenstaro?

If for whatever reason want to do the work yourself, launch the game in a wrapper script using LD_LIBRARY_PATH=path/to/local/libs and put the shared libraries at that path.

Since SFML2 is in no repository, creating Deb's is no real solution, isn't it?


Btw: SFML is awesome!!!

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