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Help => General => Topic started by: Sakurazaki on May 26, 2013, 12:03:55 am

Title: [Solved] MSVS2012 and SFML After compiled problem
Post by: Sakurazaki on May 26, 2013, 12:03:55 am
Hello everyone,

I've just compiled my SFMl program using MSVS2012 and SFML.

As for MSVS, i used release configuration, turning down any debug options,
using the SFMl x86 include and lib folders, including all the libs into the linker
and including the dlls to the folder where the exe is.

Once I click th executable, I open it and play it perfectly, but when a friend
tries to open it in his computer, the SFML window opens but it keeps as a blank
window minimized into the window taskbar.

Since this friend has already installed every dependencie from MSVS (c++ redistributable and net framework)
I believe its something about how I compiled SFML or how I programmed SFML.

EDIT: IT was resolution

If there is something wrong there which is not allowing other people to run it
or if you have this matter before please tell me so I can solve it.

Thank you!
Title: Re: MSVS2012 and SFML After compiled problem
Post by: FRex on May 26, 2013, 12:37:40 am
Resolution seems suspiciously high, if it's bigger than his screen it'll cause problems. Lower it to fit window and its decorations(big top titlebar and small borders on all sides) into his screen.
I think window->setPosition(0.f,0.f); also works, because window spawns outside of the screen.
Title: Re: MSVS2012 and SFML After compiled problem
Post by: Sakurazaki on May 26, 2013, 12:39:42 am
Dude, you are my salvator, that was everything!!

Thank you very much. when i become rich with my game, ill build a golden statue in your honor.!!