So I have been following the book SFML Game Development and I am right at the end of chapter 4 (Where we bind keys to actions). The code I have is:
mKeyBinding[sf::Keyboard::W] = MoveUp;
mKeyBinding[sf::Keyboard::A] = MoveLeft;
mKeyBinding[sf::Keyboard::S] = MoveDown;
mKeyBinding[sf::Keyboard::D] = MoveRight;
mActionBinding[MoveUp].action =
[] (SceneNode& node, sf::Time dt)
node.move(0.f, -0.1f * dt.asSeconds());
mActionBinding[MoveLeft].action =
[] (SceneNode& node, sf::Time dt)
node.move(-0.1f * dt.asSeconds(), 0.f);
mActionBinding[MoveDown].action =
[] (SceneNode& node, sf::Time dt)
node.move(0.f, 0.1f * dt.asSeconds());
mActionBinding[MoveRight].action =
[] (SceneNode& node, sf::Time dt)
node.move(0.1f * dt.asSeconds(), 0.f);
for(auto &pair : mActionBinding)
pair.second.category = Category::PlayerAircraft;
and for some reason I can move up down and right but not to the left. I have looked all over my code and compared it to the source code: (
Any ideas why I can't move left?