SFML community forums

General => General discussions => Topic started by: devilswin on May 04, 2015, 03:11:27 pm

Title: How would you go about making something similar to unity for an SFML game
Post by: devilswin on May 04, 2015, 03:11:27 pm
So i will try and be a specific and thought out as possible with this.

I do not know the technical term for the thing that i am asking about but i will go into as much depth as possible

So on the left hand side there is a side bar of sorts with different game elements such as a box, an enemy sorter, etc. With that sidebar you can add new elements, say if i want to make a car element, i click a little plus. After clicking, i can choose what base class the object is and then what the name of it is, and other options i feel i need. Then from there it will generate a .cpp and a .hpp that i could edit with an ide. another functionality that this sidebar would have is that i can drag and add elements to the scene, create maps, and other stuff with those elements. The main part of the window will be a scene, if it was a scene of a world, it would look like a map. From that map i can rearrange aspects to my liking and create new areas. After i finish editing, i can save it as a .txt and all of the map will have a specific ID to the block/thing so that the game can read through and build the world.

Is there anything like this that exists?
How would you go about doing this?
Title: Re: How would you go about making something similar to unity for an SFML game
Post by: eXpl0it3r on May 04, 2015, 03:22:03 pm
GDevelop (http://compilgames.net/) goes in that direction and it uses or did use once SFML for the graphics part.
Title: Re: How would you go about making something similar to unity for an SFML game
Post by: devilswin on May 04, 2015, 03:25:49 pm
The only issue is that it is HTML5, and i would prefer to do it in C++
Title: Re: How would you go about making something similar to unity for an SFML game
Post by: eXpl0it3r on May 04, 2015, 03:47:25 pm
Ah right forgot about that. Maybe they also moved on to something else. I just remember that the guy behind it once posted on the forum here.

As for C++ Engines with editor etc. you might want to look at Godot (http://www.godotengine.org/wp/), it's free and open source.
If you want something more complex and that scales take a look at Unreal Engine 4 (https://www.unrealengine.com/), which by now is also free (with limitations) and you get the full C++ source code.

I don't know of a engine/editor that uses SFML.
If you want to do something like that on your own, I can't advise it, since it requires a lot of experience.
Title: Re: How would you go about making something similar to unity for an SFML game
Post by: devilswin on May 04, 2015, 03:54:27 pm
Ahh, ok.

What about making a map editor like what i said that is not entirely an engine/a simpler version of what i said?
Title: Re: How would you go about making something similar to unity for an SFML game
Post by: eXpl0it3r on May 04, 2015, 04:20:33 pm
Don't take this the wrong way, if you have to ask on how to approach something like that and given your history on this forum, it seems unlikely that you'll get very far with such a project.
While it might seem simple from the outside, there's a lot going on, on the inside. Without having collected quite some experience you'll only get frustrated.

I personally suggest to keep working on smaller games and maybe some bigger game.
In the end it's your choice however. ;)
Title: Re: How would you go about making something similar to unity for an SFML game
Post by: devilswin on May 04, 2015, 04:24:26 pm
Yea, I'm just trying to get feedback on ideas...right now i am working on a pong while using sfml game development book (if only my textures would load! :-X).

Edit: My pong game now has a ball moving!
Title: Re: How would you go about making something similar to unity for an SFML game
Post by: victorlevasseur on May 04, 2015, 08:38:37 pm
You can make native games (internally using SFML and C++) or HTML5 games with GDevelop.  ;)
Title: Re: How would you go about making something similar to unity for an SFML game
Post by: MakaiKing0 on May 22, 2015, 09:41:15 pm
Just to clarify....

Unity uses an ECS Model (Entity, Component, System);  The 'elements' as you called them are actually the components that your attaching to each entity object.  Unity uses it's own custom approach to this model and has an editor built on-top of it to create the overall game engine.

And no I have not seen any engine built with SFML that follows Unity....  You could just make one.... it's not that difficult.......
Title: Re: How would you go about making something similar to unity for an SFML game
Post by: Jesper Juhl on May 22, 2015, 09:47:58 pm
And no I have not seen any engine built with SFML that follows Unity....  You could just make one.... it's not that difficult.......
That has got to take the prize as "understatement/underestimation of the year". Come back in a few years when you've actually done it (reimplemented something Unity-like for SFML that is)...