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General => SFML projects => Topic started by: thebwainz on August 22, 2015, 04:38:42 pm

Title: Repeat
Post by: thebwainz on August 22, 2015, 04:38:42 pm

I'm currently working on a big project, and to clear my mind a bit I've made a new minigame in the last couple of days:


It's a game of memory skill. The computer generates a sequence of notes (starting at 1 note, then +1 per turn), and you have to repeat the sequence by pressing the respective buttons. It's based on Simon (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Simon_%28game%29).

The game includes an endless mode, and the difficulty can be customised too!


The screenshots don't really do the game justice, so just try it out if you want to :)


Download the game here (http://www.axel-m.de/games/repeat/) (1.2 MB)

Feedback is always welcome!