SFML community forums

Bindings - other languages => C => Topic started by: astr0wiz on October 02, 2016, 09:07:34 pm

Title: Entry Point Not Found - Completely flummoxed
Post by: astr0wiz on October 02, 2016, 09:07:34 pm
Here is the extremely simple test code I am attempting to run:

#include <SFML/Graphics.h>

int main()
    sfVideoMode mode = {400, 400, 32};
    sfRenderWindow* window;

    window = sfRenderWindow_create(mode, "CSFML Test", sfResize | sfClose, NULL);

    while (sfRenderWindow_isOpen(window))
    return 0;

It compiles just fine in Code::Blocks.  When I run, I get the following popup:


Having successfully created several C++ SFML projects, I find myself at a complete loss.  I have no idea why that particular entry point wasn't found.  I suspected it was with opengl32.dll, so I copied it into the bin directory of the executable, but nothing changed.

Any suggestions?

I am using the latest version of CSFML, compiled on my machine after running CMake and then using Code::Blocks to build it all.
Title: AW: Entry Point Not Found - Completely flummoxed
Post by: eXpl0it3r on October 02, 2016, 09:25:41 pm
If had tried to google the error you would've found out, that this happens when you get a mismatch between runtime libraries, meaning that your compiler version doesn't seem to line up with the compiler version used to compile SFML which gets used internally of CSFML.

It may also just be that you're using an old runtime DLL somewhere.
Title: Re: Entry Point Not Found - Completely flummoxed
Post by: astr0wiz on October 03, 2016, 01:49:30 am
Thank you for the reply.  :) Well, I did find something like that after a short search, but I discounted it because I used MinGW for both.  In fact, I compiled SFML just minutes prior to compiling CSFML.  I am going to take a closer look at how I've set up the directories and references for CSFML, as I think that may be where I've screwed things up.  Ideally, I had hoped someone else ran into the very same situation, but I have obviously set something up wrong.  I will add another reply when I make a breakthrough.