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Help => General => Topic started by: madcat on August 19, 2017, 02:02:42 pm

Title: Extlibs sources?
Post by: madcat on August 19, 2017, 02:02:42 pm
Hello, nice one.

I'm actually trying to build an IOS app ans send it to the App Store.
the SFML libs compile nicely with bitcode and arm7 arm64 architectures.

I'd like to now if there is a link to the sources (github?) of the extlibs used by SFML.
because I'm required (and so is anyone who wants send an app to the Apple Store) to enable bitcode for
each one of them, and it isn't done by default.

I sent a quick mail to Lukas Dürrenberger/eXpl0it3r at his webstite contact email because he's the wiz at the IOS port, but I wouldn't mind helping where I can.
hence my question about which projects are the one providing the extlibs.


P.S. mail daemon just informed me that contact@ is dead. no more eXpl0it3r there.
Title: Re: Extlibs sources?
Post by: eXpl0it3r on August 19, 2017, 10:32:17 pm
There's no reason to add a post to an unrelated thread, as such I've split your post into its own thread.

SFML uses publicly available third-party libraries. They're all reachable with a quick Google search. ;)

OGG (http://www.vorbis.com/), FLAC (https://xiph.org/flac/), Vorbis (http://www.vorbis.com/), FreeType (https://www.freetype.org/), jpeg (http://libjpeg.sourceforge.net/) (also works with libjpeg-turbo (https://libjpeg-turbo.org/)), OpenAL Soft (http://kcat.strangesoft.net/openal.html)

No idea how you came to the conclusion that I'm a wizard with iOS. ;D
I'm more like the opposite (no Apple user in any way).

Oh, I didn't realize that my contact@ address was broken (guess I forgot to add the redirect with the new server). It's fixed, but I also removed the link from your post, as not to draw unnecessary attention to it.
Title: Re: Extlibs sources?
Post by: FRex on August 20, 2017, 08:10:35 pm
I'm not familiar with any Apple stuff but I believe OpenAL on iOS is some Apple one (and removed in 9..?), not the LGPL 'Soft' one.
Title: Re: Extlibs sources?
Post by: eXpl0it3r on August 20, 2017, 08:40:59 pm
iOS ships their own OpenAL implementation and it was only temporarily removed in an iOS 9 beta.
Title: Re: Extlibs sources?
Post by: madcat on August 22, 2017, 05:22:25 pm
Thanks, you all!
my mistake was to do the search on Git first and to end up with 9999+ clones of the jpeg libs...
it completely eluded me that I could go to the main websites.

It often takes a while to do thinks simply when you're in the midst of some tedious stuff!  ;D