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Help => Graphics => Topic started by: Demian on April 09, 2010, 10:22:04 pm
I want to use the sf::string class to print a variable, just as printf and sprintf in DOS.
I tried something like this:
sf::Image Image;
sf::Font MyFont;
if (!Image.LoadFromFile("Bubbles.png") ||
!MyFont.LoadFromFile("arial.ttf", 50))
sf::String Hello;
Hello.SetText("Pos y : %f Pos x : %f " ,Posy, Posx);
Hello.SetColor(sf::Color(0, 128, 128));
Hello.SetPosition(100.f, 100.f);
The coordinates ought to show the point of the picture, but it didnt work.
I figured out "SetText" can only contain a naked text without variables.
C:\...\main.cpp|34|error: no matching function for call to `sf::String::SetText(float&)'|
Now I wonder if there is any way to pass out a variable to the window with SFML.
In case I ignored something in the tuts don't be mean to me, please!
(I really was searching for the answer!)
Thank you : )
You should use std::stringstream classes in order to convert ints, floats, etc. to std::string.
An example here:
#include <sstream> // String stream library
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
int main()
// Create string stream
std::stringstream stream;
// Insert an int, with value 10
stream << 10;
// Create our final string
std::string string;
// Insert the value of the stream to the string
stream >> string;
// Check string's value
std::cout << string << std::endl;
// Now it prints 10, because string contains the value "10" in characters
Hope this helps!
ok, I changed my code but it doesn't show up on the window :
int main()
std::stringstream stream;
while (App.IsOpened())
stream << 2;
std::string string;
stream >> string;
std::cout << string << std::endl;
I thought I have to convert it like this...somehow it doesn't show up either ; (
int main()
std::stringstream stream;
sf::String Text;
Text.SetText("Nothing yet");
while (App.IsOpened())
stream << 2;
std::string string;
stream >> string;
Hey, i have to apologize.
it worked!
But if I write it like this :
stream << "Something else";
std::string string;
stream >> string;
// Clear screen
// Display sprite in our window
// Display window contents on screen
The text appears like this "else Something"
But if I write it like this :
stream << "Something else";
std::string string;
stream >> string;
// Clear screen
// Display sprite in our window
// Display window contents on screen
The text appears like this "else Something"
Haha it really does? It occurs because stringstream separates strings at every space character.
Anyway, there is no reason to use a std::stringstream to convert a string to a string. You know, it is already a string. You should convert only numbers. If you want to append a number to a string you can do this:
// Our string
std::string myString = "Hello, I am ";
// A stringstream to convert 21 to string format
std::stringstream myStream;
myStream << 21;
// Auxiliary string
std::string aux;
myStream >> aux;
// Append aux and another string to myString
myString += aux + " years old";
std::cout << myString << std::endl;
// The output is: "Hello, I am 15 years old"
Using an ostringstream and its str() function is better (so that you get the whole content of the stream).
Defining a function is also much more convenient.
template <typename T>
std::string str(const T& x)
std::ostringstream oss;
oss << x;
return oss.str();
sf::String text;
text.SetText("Pos y : " + str(Posx) + " Pos x : " + str(Posy));
Using an ostringstream and its str() function is better (so that you get the whole content of the stream).
Defining a function is also much more convenient.
template <typename T>
std::string str(const T& x)
std::ostringstream oss;
oss << x;
return oss.str();
sf::String text;
text.SetText("Pos y : " + str(Posx) + " Pos x : " + str(Posy));
He that looks really much like boost's lexical_cast (and works the same way).
an interesting alternative might be boost::format working basically like that:
Hello.SetText(boost::format("Pos y : %f1% Pos x : %2% ") % Posy % Posx);
Thank you all.
Now it works as it should be.
Another thing, I don't get the boost::format to work.
Are there any special Header to be included?
You have to download and install boost, it is not standard.
Well, if you don't want to use boost, consider trying sprintf(). Something like that:
char* charPtr;
int i = 10;
float x = 3.03f;
char c = 'r';
sprintf(charPtr, "Whatever you %d want to %f write here %c", i, x, c);
std::string string(charPtr);
and then use sf::String::Settext(string);
I know it's rather old-school C, but if you don't want to bother with boost, you should try that. And you wanted something printf-like ;)
If he doesn't want to bother with boost then he should use std::ostringstream, not sprintf... ;)
Well, if you don't want to use boost, consider trying sprintf(). Something like that:
char* charPtr;
int i = 10;
float x = 3.03f;
char c = 'r';
sprintf(charPtr, "Whatever you %d want to %f write here %c", i, x, c);
std::string string(charPtr);
sprintf() is quite dangerous. You have already made a mistake in this short example (you didn't initialize charPtr). There are a lot of other problems coming with the I/O functions of C.
As Laurent said, std::stringstream (respectively std::ostringstream, std::istringstream) are the C++ stream classes for this purpose.
Thank you all.
All tips are working : D
You have already made a mistake in this short example
Oops... that's why I don't use them :)