SFML community forums
Help => Graphics => Topic started by: Dummie on March 17, 2008, 01:22:22 pm
I'm currently trying to develop a ImageManager. Unfortunately I ran into a problem during developing it. My program crashs if I try to clean up the memory.
class ImageManager
typedef std::map<std::string, sf::Image*> imagemap_t;
imagemap_t images;
ImageManager() {}
ImageManager(const ImageManager&);
~ImageManager() {
for (imagemap_t::iterator it = images.begin(); it != images.end(); it++) {
delete (*it).second; // !!!Crash!!!
sf::Image& getImage(std::string const & fileName)
const imagemap_t::iterator it(images.find(fileName));
if (it != images.end()) return *it->second;
imagemap_t::iterator insertIt (images.insert(std::make_pair(fileName, new sf::Image())).first);
return *insertIt->second;
inline static ImageManager& instance()
static ImageManager instance;
return instance;
I don't know why :( Is there any solution? Has anybody here wrote succesfully a ImageManager already? Wheres the problem in my code?
Thanks in advance :)
did you test, on which delete it crashes??
I did something very much the same in the "sone suggestions" post (though its totaly useless, since one can only import it to a singel file.. but the principle is the same^^) and make you imageManager a singleton (via static members..)
did you test, on which delete it crashes??
I did something very much the same in the "sone suggestions" post (though its totaly useless, since one can only import it to a singel file.. but the principle is the same^^) and make you imageManager a singleton (via static members..)
It does crash on the first call of delete. I also searched for the code you mentioned. I just found but yours isn't a class itself.
Maybe here has somebody a idea how to solve my problem. In my opinion a ImageManager or something similiar is even needed.
Thanks :)
I guess your ImageManager instance is destroyed after SFML has been unloaded. You should rather use a static pointer to be able to control its lifetime, and provide a Shutdown() function to delete it when appropriate (ie. before the global exit of your application).
Just curious, why set the instance function as inline?
I have a similar problem. My implementation of an image manager uses a std::map to ensure resources aren't loaded twice:
std::map<std::string, sf::Image> g_Image;
void CEntity::SetImage(const std::string &filename) {
std::map<std::string, sf::Image>::iterator it = g_Image.find(filename);
if (it == g_Image.end()) {
sf::Image image;
it = g_Image.insert(it, std::pair<std::string, sf::Image>(filename, image));
The code works as intended when all entity objects are created before the sf::RenderWindow. However, I hope to create entity objects while in the main loop of my application (after the window has been created). The problem with that is SFML is unloading before the sf::Image destructors are executed. Can anyone tell me how to work around this? Thanks in advance!
Full source code available here (http://files.filefront.com/Tilezip/;9899538;/fileinfo.html).
The problem with that is SFML is unloading before the sf::Image destructors are executed
As I already said :
You should rather use a static pointer to be able to control its lifetime, and provide a Shutdown() function to delete it when appropriate (ie. before the global exit of your application).
Sorry, I figured that only applied to when using new/delete to allocate space. I'll have to research more on the subject of static pointers. If it's not too much trouble, could you possibly give an example of this?
An example of what ?
All you need to do is that :
int main()
... your game ...
return 0;
Thanks a ton. I was doing it with new/delete because I got fed up with googling static pointers. This way looks better though, so I will implement it.
PS: Stop making it look so easy for us beginners! :wink:
PS: Stop making it look so easy for us beginners!
Ok, next time I'll try to provide a very complicated source code with a lot of templates and boost / STL stuff in it ;)