SFML community forums

General => SFML projects => Topic started by: sorum40 on March 15, 2020, 06:00:30 pm

Title: Shadow Gangs
Post by: sorum40 on March 15, 2020, 06:00:30 pm
Hi everyone;

This game uses SFML.

Thank you very very much for this great library, it should be called GFML (Great Fast Media Library, just kidding:)...maybe not :) )

I will of course credit it in the in game finish credits.

Shadow Gangs release date set for the 10th of April on Steam

Please wishlist it if you like it!

The new release trailer:

Steam page

Title: Re: Shadow Gangs
Post by: sorum40 on January 08, 2021, 10:15:16 pm
Switch version uses SFML :)
But all platform specific Switch related code I implemented, because the github switch SFML uses a homebrew SDK, and not the Nintendo one (which is normal as the Nintendo SDK is not public).

The Xbox version doesn't use SFML, I used BGFX instead as Xbox doesn't support Opengl.
Title: Re: Shadow Gangs
Post by: LTomy on January 09, 2021, 05:06:24 am
Nice game!
Very impressive ;D.
Title: Re: Shadow Gangs
Post by: Nexus on January 09, 2021, 04:58:22 pm
Looks cool! :)
It's really nice retro art and feel, did you make the graphics?
Title: Re: Shadow Gangs
Post by: sorum40 on January 09, 2021, 07:39:31 pm
Looks cool! :)
It's really nice retro art and feel, did you make the graphics?
Thank you :)
I did programming, the backgrounds and sprites were done by the same artist.
(It took 5 years to make, both the programming and the graphics).

I am very happy to have used SFML for the game, even if it is not used in the XBOX version, the design and philosophy of SFML is used.

The game was made around the SFML ideas and architecture, especially the graphics, input and sound architecture.

I made an interface abstraction for the graphics, sound and input which is inspired from SFML, and put implementation of it for the different platforms.

The implementation like this:

Steam: Graphics, Sound and Input implemented by SFML
XBOX: Graphics (BGFX), Sound (FMOD), and Input (Xbox input system)
Switch: Graphics: SFML with custom implemented SDK calls, Sound (FMOD), and Input (SFML with custom Nintendo SDK implementation).

Thank you guys for this awesome library, I did thank the SFML team it in the ending credits on all platforms.
Title: Re: Shadow Gangs
Post by: roccio on January 10, 2021, 09:02:31 pm
Very nice, it remainds me Shinobi a game that I loved very much
Title: Re: Shadow Gangs
Post by: Nexus on January 10, 2021, 10:28:17 pm
5 years, that's a lot of dedication!

If you want, you can add it here: https://github.com/SFML/SFML/wiki/Projects#video-games
But you should definitely also try other channels to advertise it (Twitter, Youtube, Reddit, ...).

The steam price seems a bit high to me, but it may also be because of the sheer number of indie games available at low price.
Title: Re: Shadow Gangs
Post by: sorum40 on January 11, 2021, 12:02:07 am
Actually more than 5 years.

5 years was for the PC version, then came the other platforms.
(And still not the end of it I hope, there is some other platforms I am trying to get the game on).

I tried to add it to the wiki, but I got an error after clicking submit.
(Preview worked, then after clicking submit, I got 404 page not found error).

Then, I went back to click on edit, and got the same 404 error, this time without even showing the edit page.
Title: Re: Shadow Gangs
Post by: sorum40 on January 11, 2021, 11:46:02 pm
Added Shadow Gangs to the wiki.