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Help => General => Topic started by: rbfahim on November 25, 2023, 04:40:48 pm
So, I am compiling this project with two shader files and a sound file in .wav format.
I wanted to include all of them as well as the .dll files into the exe?
I am not sure how to do that? If I include static flag that only works for the dll not for the resource files, I assume.
A few ways you can do it but possibly the simplest is to convert each file into an array (all of the values separated by commas, basically), save that to a header file and include that when building.
Shaders are easier because they're already text. Just add it as a string.
You can then "load from memory" and pass the array/string as the memory.
Note that one of the DLLs cannot be "packed" due to licensing. That is the openal32.DLL, which you need for audio, so that will always be separate.
Thank you I did that. But now I am confused about how to pack my resources and sounds file with it as well.
This is my makefile
SFML = -lsfml-graphics -lsfml-window -lsfml-system -lsfml-audio
CC = g++
DEBUG = -g
objects = boidHelpingFunctions.o boids.o simulation.o main.o
all: FlockingBoids link
FlockingBoids: $(objects)
boidHelpingFunctions.o : FlockingBoids/src/boidHelpingFunctions.cpp FlockingBoids/src/boidHelpingFunctions.h
$(CC) -IsfmlFiles/include $(CFLAGS) FlockingBoids/src/boidHelpingFunctions.cpp
boids.o : FlockingBoids/src/boids.cpp FlockingBoids/src/boids.h
$(CC) -IsfmlFiles/include $(CFLAGS) FlockingBoids/src/boids.cpp
simulation.o : FlockingBoids/src/simulation.cpp FlockingBoids/src/simulation.h
$(CC) -IsfmlFiles/include $(CFLAGS) FlockingBoids/src/simulation.cpp
main.o : FlockingBoids/src/main.cpp
$(CC) -IsfmlFiles/include $(CFLAGS) FlockingBoids/src/main.cpp
$(CC) $(objects) -o run -LsfmlFiles/lib $(SFML)
rm edit $(objects)
I think it's possible you may have missed my point.
You can convert the files you wish to pack into arrays inside the code and access them directly from memory.
Maybe this will help:
I know the way in vc++ windows.Import the file in the resource view and then use the LoadResource LockResource function to free up resources,But it seems you can't do that with the g++ compiler