I'm using VertexArray to draw a tilemap
virtual void draw(sf::RenderTarget& target, sf::RenderStates states) const
// apply the transform
states.transform *= getTransform();
//Range-based for loop is used here, compiling with vs2012 and running with a high cpu usage of 30%,so one cpu core is at full load
//but threre is no problem with vs2013
//for (auto content:m_verticesAndTexture){
// states.texture = &content.second;
// target.draw(content.first, states);
//Use the classic for loop instead,The cpu usage returned to normal after compiling with vs2012
for(int i=0;i<m_verticesAndTexture.size();i++){
states.texture = &m_verticesAndTexture[i].second;
target.draw(m_verticesAndTexture[i].first, states);
I don't think vs2012 supports c++11 very well
The range-based for loop in comments is copying each item to use it in the the loop body.
You probably want to use a reference to each item with type auto& instead of a copy with type auto.
It looks like a const reference would also be possible with const auto&.
Try this:
for (const auto& content : m_verticesAndTexture)
states.texture = &content.second;
target.draw(content.first, states);
If you can enable c++17, you could use structured bindings to make this more readable:
for (const auto& [vertices, texture] : m_verticesAndTexture)
states.texture = &texture;
target.draw(vertices, states);