System: windows。
I used. net to create a win32 handle in Avalonia, then created a window using SFML and embedded it into the Avalonia form. The rendering and drawing are all normal, but the SFML form cannot receive any events. Is there anything that needs to be set?
public partial class MainWindow
: Window
{ public MainWindow
() { InitializeComponent
(); this.Loaded += MainWindow_Loaded
; } private void MainWindow_Loaded
(object? sender, Avalonia
.Interactivity.RoutedEventArgs e
) { var window
= new SFML
.Handle); // window.KeyPressed += Window_KeyPressed; window
.MouseMoved += Window_MouseMoved
; ; var circle
= new SFML
) { FillColor
=new Vector2f
500) }; window
); // Finally, display the rendered frame on screen window
.Display(); } private void Window_MouseMoved
(object? sender, SFML
.Window.MouseMoveEventArgs e
) { //Can In it } } public class NativeEmbeddingControl
: NativeControlHost
{ public IntPtr Handle
{ get; private set; } protected override IPlatformHandle CreateNativeControlCore
(IPlatformHandle parent
) { var handle
= base.CreateNativeControlCore(parent
); Handle
= handle
.Handle; Console
"Handle : {Handle}"); return handle
; } }