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Help => General => Topic started by: PiMaster on May 06, 2011, 11:49:04 pm

Title: Where are the DLLs?
Post by: PiMaster on May 06, 2011, 11:49:04 pm
So, today I thought I would try out SFML. After downloading it, putting the headers in the proper folder, making a project linked to sfml-system.lib, and copypasta-ing the "Your first SFML program" source into a .cpp file, I ran it and was given the message "The program can't start because sfml-system.dll is missing from your computer. Try reinstalling the program to fix this problem." I then ran a search through the .zip file on the download page and found that this dll is not there.

tl;dr Where do I get sfml-system.dll, and any other DLLs?
Title: Where are the DLLs?
Post by: Mjonir on May 07, 2011, 01:03:22 am
If you're using SFML 1.6 they should simply be located in the "lib" folder of the zip. Also don't forget the DLLs in the "extlibs" folder which are also required.
Title: Where are the DLLs?
Post by: PiMaster on May 07, 2011, 01:50:55 am
Ah, yes, thank you.
Title: Where are the DLLs?
Post by: blueeyedlion on May 24, 2011, 05:44:49 am
Rather than create a new thread for the same situation, I'll just hijack this one.

I have the same problem as the op except I don't know which dll's to include in the extlibs folder.  Could someone point out which?
Title: Where are the DLLs?
Post by: OniLinkPlus on May 25, 2011, 04:49:52 am
Quote from: "blueeyedlion"
Rather than create a new thread for the same situation, I'll just hijack this one.

I have the same problem as the op except I don't know which dll's to include in the extlibs folder.  Could someone point out which?
Which SFML Modules are you using?
Title: Where are the DLLs?
Post by: blueeyedlion on May 27, 2011, 03:25:02 am
that depends what "modules" means
Title: Where are the DLLs?
Post by: Nexus on May 27, 2011, 11:58:11 am
Quote from: "blueeyedlion"
that depends what "modules" means
System, Window, Graphics, Audio, Network
Title: Where are the DLLs?
Post by: Impervious on May 29, 2011, 08:15:23 am
Quote from: "blueeyedlion"
Rather than create a new thread for the same situation, I'll just hijack this one.

I have the same problem as the op except I don't know which dll's to include in the extlibs folder.  Could someone point out which?

I haven't personally included any from the extlibs but, the tutorial only mentions two for audio (libsndfile.dll and openal32.dll) and nothing else, so perhaps simply including those would cover all the bases as I don't see any other DLLs.  I have no clue what all the other stuff is though.   :?  You may be best off waiting for some confirmation.

Also if it at all possible, could someone quickly tell me if all the other stuff in the extlibs folder is needed, or if it is explained later?  I'm not sure if its the best method, but I would preferably like to set everything up, and then focus on coding.
Title: Where are the DLLs?
Post by: meguy on May 30, 2011, 04:25:02 pm
I have a similar problem except mine is not registering the header file not the DLL. I have included extlibs and it still does not work I am using code::blocks and visual studio.
Title: Where are the DLLs?
Post by: blueeyedlion on May 31, 2011, 05:09:19 am
another thing, where am I supposed to put the dll's?
Title: Where are the DLLs?
Post by: Impervious on June 01, 2011, 10:33:54 am
Quote from: "blueeyedlion"
another thing, where am I supposed to put the dll's?

Well as it says in the first tutorial, I put the files from the lib folder (which happen to be DLLs among other things) into the visual studios VC/lib folder.

Also, I put them in the Projects debug folder.  This part took a lot of googling and I don't see it anywhere in the tutorial at all, but it seemed to work.  

Your projects are likely in "My Documents" under Visual Studios/Projects and then you click on the project you are working on, and put the DLLs in the Debug folder of that project.

To be honest I am having quite a lot of trouble getting a good start so maybe my advice is not the most helpful... but of course I hope it is as it can be quite a pain to find the information needed to get things working.  Good luck.  :?
Title: Where are the DLLs?
Post by: Xander314 on June 02, 2011, 01:55:53 pm
You must put all used DLLs in your project folder (or maybe your debug/release folder).

This may not be mentioned in the tutorials (I am not sure), but it's true for all DLLs, not just SFML - if they aren't in a system DLL folder, they must be in your project folder.

EDIT: To the guy with header file problems: this must be fixed by adding the SFML header file directory (sfml_root_directory/include) to your compiler search directories.

In Code::Blocks: Settings -> Compiler and Debugger -> Global Compiler Settings -> Search Directories -> Compiler -> Add -> enter the path.