SFML community forums
Help => General => Topic started by: ravenheart on September 17, 2008, 08:25:55 pm
Hi how can i use another icon for my compiled .exe?
It's OS-specific.
how does it work with windows?
Its also compiler specific I think, your IDE should have options for it or you can use reshack (http://www.angusj.com/resourcehacker/) to change it after its been compiled.
its a console-app, so reshack doesnt find anything
is there another possibility?
the universal method(all comilers, windows only) 8) :
add a file with rc as extension to tyour project, then this line:
1 ICON "your_ico.ico"
then compile.
PS:use SnIco Edit to create new icon, or , or Icon Sushi to extract it from an executable.
PS2: sorry for my english