SFML community forums
Help => Window => Topic started by: alucard33592 on February 01, 2012, 07:07:25 pm
have no idea what this error means, I probably did something wrong while setting up sfml spent about 30 minutes searching for the answer, basically I want the program to open a window click on an area then click on a second area. Right now I cant even get it to open up the window.........
using namespace std;
int main ()
sf::Window App (sf::VideoMode(800, 600 , 32), "SFML window");
cout << "Hi, now the mouse is on X = 450 and Y = 780 :)";
SetCursorPos(450, 780);
mouse_event(MOUSEEVENTF_LEFTDOWN | MOUSEEVENTF_LEFTUP, 0, 0, 0, 0); // Left click
mouse_event(MOUSEEVENTF_RIGHTDOWN | MOUSEEVENTF_RIGHTUP, 0, 0, 0, 0); // Right click
return 0;
Compiling: main.cpp
Linking console executable: bin\Debug\test.exe
obj\Debug\main.o: In function `main':
C:/Users/Tim.Tim-PC/Desktop/testing stuff/test/main.cpp:12: undefined reference to `_imp___ZN2sf9VideoModeC1Ejjj'
C:/Users/Tim.Tim-PC/Desktop/testing stuff/test/main.cpp:12: undefined reference to `_imp___ZN2sf12RenderWindowC1ENS_9VideoModeERKSsmRKNS_14WindowSettingsE'
C:/Users/Tim.Tim-PC/Desktop/testing stuff/test/main.cpp:12: undefined reference to `_imp___ZN2sf12RenderWindowD1Ev'
C:/Users/Tim.Tim-PC/Desktop/testing stuff/test/main.cpp:22: undefined reference to `_imp___ZN2sf12RenderWindowD1Ev'
C:/Users/Tim.Tim-PC/Desktop/testing stuff/test/main.cpp:22: undefined reference to `_imp___ZN2sf12RenderWindowD1Ev'
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
Process terminated with status 1 (0 minutes, 1 seconds)
5 errors, 0 warnings
You have probably made an incorrect linking with SFML libraries. Can you show your link settings ?
yeah O.o thanks for the heads up I did a bit looking around that general area and found what I did wrong but a new problem showed up it compiled just fine with now errors but the window just showed up and did nothing I could re-size it and minimize it though when I tried to close it it froze for a moment before going away
not the window created by sfml but the standard cmd ish window that usuailly pops up
Two things stick out to me looking at your example.
1) Your program doesn't really do much; there isn't a loop it keep it running. It's just going to exit right after it starts.
2) I don't think you can use those WinAPI functions, SetCursorPos and mouse_event, like that inside a SFML window. SFML has a built-in mouse class for that purpose.
Ah I used them before without sfml and it worked fine now I'm trying to set up a user interface for a program I made that would automate clicks on the screen I know that code sample doesnt do much and yeah....no loop yet to keep it running I was gonna add that later after I got the errors worked out of what it actuailly did I also found out that sfml has some trouble with the graphics card that I'm using so I found a tutorial on youtube to build 2.0 with cmake .....anyway after I get sfml in a workable position on my computer I'll post the full source code in my thread =D