A MORE RECENT VERSION IS AVAILABLE! HERE (http://en.sfml-dev.org/forums/index.php?topic=8247.0)
Three weeks ago I opened a topic to announce my project; a python binding for SFML2. At the time, it was the result of my work last winter but in the meantime I had to go abroad leaving the project in its current state without releasing it. It was out-of-date with the then current sfml2 development version but I wanted to release it before carrying on and updating it to the release candidate. Three weeks later here we are; the project is updated to the release candidate as promised.
Although I spent the last 3 weeks on working on the update there are quite a lot of thing I didn't have time to implement. I focused on the functionality part: the most important classes have been implemented. Tests to check whether they do run well on all platform have been performed.
I consider this version a fast release which comes with bugs and non implemented functionality, yet comes with almost complete documentation.
This time the binding comes with installers for Windows (something I didn't have time to make last time) and, like always, a Ubuntu/Debian depot for ease of installation. This depot provides many packages: sfml2-rc, the
binding and the examples for the binding.
I'm linking to the on-line documentation where you will find explanations about installation, the documentation and various script examples as well as explanation about the project, etc.
Website: http://openhelbreath.net/python-sfml2/
Bug-tracker: http://openhelbreath.net/python-sfml2/flyspray
The bug-tracker is temporarily read-only. If you find bugs then please report them on the forum or via the issues tab on the github page, I'll add them.
Download and installation
Download the correct installer and follow the instructions (you don't need to have SFML2 installed).
pySFML2-1.0.0.win32-py2.7.exe (http://openhelbreath.net/python-sfml2/downloads/pySFML2-1.0.0.win32-py2.7.exe) [1.6 MB] [Python 2.7] [32 bit]
pySFML2-1.0.0.win32-py3.2.exe (http://openhelbreath.net/python-sfml2/downloads/pySFML2-1.0.0.win32-py3.2.exe) [1.6 MB] [Python 3.2] [32 bit]
Installer for 64bits platform are not available yet, if someone need them, just tell me and I'll speed up.
The depot can be added by typing:
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:sonkun/sfml
sudo apt-get update
The packages provided are:
- libsfml2
- libsfml2-dev
- libsfml2-dbg
- libsfml2-doc
- sfml2-examples
- python-sfml2
- python3-sfml2
- python-sfml2-doc
- pysfml2-examples
Note that the examples package installs scripts that allow you to launch the examples with a simple command line.
sfml2-sound # run example 'sound'
pysfml2-sound #run the same example but actually it's a script that uses the binding
pysfml2-spacial-music # not an official example
pysfml2-pyqt4 # not an official example